Yet another winv2 release
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Yup yup, WinV2 beta 2.5 can be gotten here, and you can check out the changelog. This is a pretty small update, the main thing is I wanted to fix the HookTimer() that was broken in the 2.4 beta, a few other small fixes, and one kinda useful addition: any VC-related error message will now be accompanied by a VC stack trace. So if you get an arraycheck violation or something, you will now instantly be told where that violation is coming from. I was originally hoping to take this farther, but didn't want to hold up getting the hooktimer thing fixed.

I would like to point out that my Big List of Crap for winv2 is basically empty now. So if there's still some bug or thing from old v2 that you really are waiting to be added to winv2, you need to email me and bug me about it! Specifically, I mean that my list in terms of bugs and stuff that needs to be brought back from dos v2 seems to be empty. There are a few other floating bugs out there that I either can't substantiate or I dont have enough information about; someone told me that arraycheck for instance doesnt work right, but I've tested it and wasn't able to make it break. For the bigger grander things like 'hicolor support', thats sort of all going into the big pile where we break v2 compatibility.

Oh, and uh. Check out the Verge Olympics site or something. ;D

Posted on 2002-01-12 00:49:15

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