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After creating an account, the webpage is refreshed (or sent to home page... something like that) with a red bar below the header saying your account was created and that you have been sent a confirmation message.

Dunno if anyone has noticed this and already pointed it out or what not... but here it is:

your account is has been created...

thats the start of it anyway.

And since this is my first post and all, I guess this is a good time to mention how I found this place and why i'm here.

I had some nostalgia with the few days I played Dragon Warrior IV. So, I was wondering if it was ever going to be ported over to PSOne/2 or not. Turns out not cause of some bidness decisions. Though at the same time, I also found dwl-sourceforge.net (Dragon Warrior Legend). Anyhow, they are making the game with Verge, so here I am. I've been casually interested in learning how to code games for 8-16 bit since i'm old school... though the tragic dilema of it all is that I'm clueless as to how to code anything atm.

So for the most part, I'll be keeping my mouth shut as I read and read and read. What few questions I may have, I'll redirect to the appropriate area of these forums. I appreciate being here and maybe one day I'll be able to contribute something.

Darth Saio

Posted on 2004-06-17 21:27:10


Now THIS is the kind of newbie I am looking for Alex =D

Posted on 2004-06-17 21:38:47


Yes, observational people are great.
darth_saio, it took me a while to work out what you meant because I'm stupid, but now I see have seen what you are saying.

I'm sure McGrue will put it right and definitely not hate you forever for pointing it out. Actually, there's another mistake I've been wanting to point out for a while but have been too scared to mention... Oh well. :(

Posted on 2004-06-17 22:07:06



As an ambassador appointed by the U.S. Department of Retrogaming, I hereby welcome you.

I would suggest checking out a few files:

First off, [timeless] can show you the graphical capabilities of VERGE 3.

For an demo of VERGE's RPG capabilities, the ancient [Sully Packin Demo] is a good example. Note: the version I just linked is from VERGE1. Yours Truly is in the middle of completing a revision of the demo for VERGE 3.

You see, VERGE 3 is functrional, but still beta. We're a few months from a fully documented system with an example demo and standard pre-made libraries.

For some good recent examples of things made with verge, check out the results from the two recent contests:
[April's Gamemaking Contest]

...and I just realized I never linked the Battle System contest winners in their results. And I have to run soon, so here's the top 4 entries:
Lufia Clone
[Funky Fight]

That should be enough to keep you busy. I have to run... others should be able to help.

Posted on 2004-06-17 22:07:40


Quote:Originally posted by Alex

I'm sure McGrue will put it right and definitely not hate you forever for pointing it out. Actually, there's another mistake I've been wanting to point out for a while but have been too scared to mention... Oh well. :(

A winner is you.

Go ahead. I'll fix both of the problems (as long as the second one is grammatical too) when I get back from doing my duty to God and Girlfriend.

Posted on 2004-06-17 22:09:24


It's indeed grammatical, and a tad pedantic. In the description for the Golden Clam Awards, "posterities" should read "posterity's"... that's it.

Posted on 2004-06-17 22:32:38


Speeling Acomplishd.

Posted on 2004-06-18 17:00:29

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