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I seriously ask this....

If you do, I'm sure I'll know when you answer. If you don't... please add it.

Posted on 2004-06-14 09:09:39


I'm afraid that if this ever goes in, it will be very limited to who gets it (donation-only feature, perhaps). Lore's bandwidth sensitive, and the forums actually get a bit of traffic, and sending out emails of forum content can add up.

At the moment, the only email notification in is for admins, and it's for tracking file uploads, and message deletion.

However, due to the handiness of email notification, any admins, mods, or editors of documentation get notified whrn documentation talkback is added. This is so they can verify that the talkback is actually useful.

Anyone using the documentation system as a private board system will be flogged and publically humiliated. This is a warning.

Posted on 2004-06-14 10:54:12


How much bandwidth does it take to send a message saying something as simple as:

Your topic was replied to. You won't get any more emails until you visit. Click this link:


That's BYTES of data isn't it, not even half a KB?

Alternatively, if this doesn't help, why don't you just ask lore, directly, if he'd mind this feature get implemented?

Posted on 2004-06-15 04:09:19


Quote:Originally posted by TomT64

How much bandwidth does it take to send a message saying something as simple as:

Your topic was replied to. You won't get any more emails until you visit. Click this link:


That's BYTES of data isn't it, not even half a KB?

Alternatively, if this doesn't help, why don't you just ask lore, directly, if he'd mind this feature get implemented?

You're assuming I haven't already, which I have. And you're assuming he'd be for it, which he isn't. And I agree with him. After all, vrpg's bandwidth comes out of his paycheck. :P

Also, nobody wants an email with a link, they want the full comment. Also, autogen emails with a link and little else would be immediately eaten by all good spamfilters.

This has been pondered at great length already behind closed doors. This is, after all, a feature I personally like. However, I'm afraid it's not going in anytime soon.

If you would like these features, by all means code up your own site and host it somewhere else ;)

Posted on 2004-06-15 05:41:14


I think it would be enough if a way to see the new posts since the last visit would be implemented.

Posted on 2004-06-15 16:59:59


That is a much more reasonable goal that I should be ashamed hasn't gone in yet.

'Should' being the operative word. ;)

I'll tack that onto a list of things Thinice can do before I rnu ahead with the Teams/Games sections.

Posted on 2004-06-15 17:21:36


I wish I had thought of that... it really is a darn good idea to just see new posts

Posted on 2004-06-15 22:43:40


150 bytes * 50 emails/day * 30 days/mo = 225 megs /mo

naturally this is assuming that there is only 50 emails a day- more probable it'd be up in the hundreds.

Posted on 2004-06-17 13:09:46

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