"Click here for most recent version"
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If you follow Rysen's Tutorial link to the VC Syntax file, ( http://www.verge-rpg.com/files/detail.php?id=371 ), it says 'Click here for most recent version'. However, you have to keep clicking that link a couple of times to actually GET to the most recent version. The newbie thoughts are probably much like this:

1) 'Hey it says CLick again, so I'll keep clicking!' (least likely)
2) 'Hey it says click again. Maybe that just means I'm ON the most recent version and clicking will just bring me to this page, so I'll just download this one' (most likely)
3) 'Maybe there ISN'T a most recent version, so I won't download at all'

Please fix it so that the most recent version links all go to the same place. The end page (actual most recent) doesn't have such a link.

Posted on 2005-02-01 12:30:24


I addressed this problem, and it is now fixed.

Posted on 2005-05-24 14:21:25

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