Code Tags
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I'm not sure what the deal is with code or pre tags, but in some recent showings of code, it appears to double space the code.

Posted on 2004-02-24 22:41:03


That's an issue with non-IE browsers (apparently). It's on the list to get fixed, but it's not a priority right now.

Posted on 2004-02-24 23:33:43


Well, more to the point it's a problem with how I handle the posts. I auto-insert
's for each newline, but that's really unneccesary in a pre-tag. IE ignores them, but the rest of the browsers don't. I just need someone to cook up a handy-dandy regexp to remove all br-tags within a pre-tag.

Posted on 2004-02-25 04:34:05


I might just do that...

Posted on 2004-02-25 10:07:26


....still can't edit my posts...

What php function(s) are you using to deal with expressions?

Posted on 2004-02-25 10:09:27


nl2br() is what adds the br's.

preg_replace() is what does various stripping stuff.

I just need a new preg_replace() to run the formatted string through that removes the <br />'s from within a pre-tag.

Posted on 2004-02-26 10:25:12


Wouldn't str_replace work also?

Posted on 2004-03-05 01:07:13

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