Downtime 12-16-04
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Hey guys-
sorry for the downtime this morning. We lost power in the entire NE area of Minneapolis, and though we have battery backups, they didn't last long enough until we could get the generator working (coincidently, the power came back first).

Posted on 2004-12-16 10:32:31


The power loss was due to aen's drunken meanderings near a vital transformer station. He was not permanently injured, but the transformer station is currently undergoing counselling due to mental duress caused specifically by the incident.

Posted on 2004-12-16 11:56:06


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

The power loss was due to aen's drunken meanderings near a vital transformer station. He was not permanently injured, but the transformer station is currently undergoing counselling due to mental duress caused specifically by the incident.

I don't think the transformer station is going to make it.

Posted on 2004-12-16 14:16:17


It... will be missed.

Posted on 2004-12-19 18:07:57


It might pull through...

Posted on 2004-12-20 10:50:03

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