Feature Request: Small Font Tag
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A 'Small' font tag would be nice- I don't want to start a slingshot of other meaningless html tag requests, but a small tag could be useful.

Posted on 2004-04-05 19:45:30


to what end?

Posted on 2004-04-05 21:20:52


Well, when a person posts something and they use say, bold, or underline. They are using typography; To bring forth certain elements in their speech/posts.

Example, say I wanted to write an article, or tutorial and I have comments that I'd like to add but don't want them to be too distracting. Thus making the font smaller would add a seperation from the tutorial text as opposed to using (){}[] with the regular font size to encapsulate the comment. Often I've found this distracts people from what they're reading.

you've got steps above the regular font size, all the Heading tags, but not a step down in size in relation to the normal font; So questioning this is as moot as using a step up in font size as well.

Posted on 2004-04-07 05:08:23


Yea... didn't notice I wasn't logged in =(

Posted on 2004-04-07 05:09:21


Footnotes, my son. Footnotes.

I'll start allowing <sup> so you can make them, properly ;)

Posted on 2004-04-07 14:54:53


Gracias :)

Posted on 2004-04-07 16:26:57

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