File upload mistakes
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Is there some way of changing the catagory a file you uploaded is in *after* you uploaded it?

I accidentally uploaded the following to the "Engine" section rather than the demo one where it belongs. If I can't move it, would someone else be nice enough to correct my screw-up?

Posted on 2004-03-25 10:52:36


Entry altered.

Nice demo, btw. Very nice. Very intresting how you handled multiple choice options for your choicebox.

You may want to consider speeding up the textbox fade in your game, or perhaps only fading it in and out at the very end of a long section of dialogue.

But regardless, Rock on, and very good job. I haven't cracked open the implementation code, but the interface code looks very clean.

Posted on 2004-03-25 11:01:49


Cheers. I thought the textbox fade might be a little slow but it can be easily altered. The code required some thought but it can probably be bettered in some areas.

... Er, can I have an avatar now or does my contribution need to be significantly more Funky(tm)?

Posted on 2004-03-25 12:36:38


email me an avatar and I shall put it up when I awaken.

Posted on 2004-03-25 12:48:03


Great. I'll send it tomorrow morning (GMT). I use a uni computer to access the internet so I'd have to go home then back again: a long and weary walk I only want to do once a day.

Posted on 2004-03-25 13:03:34


Ok, its been sent. Thanks.

Posted on 2004-03-26 09:39:28


Your avatar will be uploaded as soon as I shower.

Posted on 2004-03-26 13:53:35

Displaying 1-7 of 7 total.
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