FYI: Quote thread
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I've Given the quote thread the Golden Clam at Toen's suggestion (I wasn't sure to move it to clam or to move it to the Graveyard).

It was getting close to 300k per pageload, and starting to make my machine choke. So, yeah.

Posted on 2004-05-19 01:00:02


I thought you were kidding... I almost choked on my Earl Grey tea when I saw that you actually had moved it to the Golden Clam Awards.

If it's open for debate, I vote for graveyard. But either way, at least it's dead!

Posted on 2004-05-19 01:15:17


I continue to assert that it's better than at least one or two of the other Golden Clam threads, and therefore is eligible for clamsmanship.

Posted on 2004-05-19 07:55:01

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