Grue's wish list for user-contributions to the website!
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Okay, so the documentation section should be born later today. I plan on getting to the teams/games and the advanced awesome features in a month or two (Sully takes precedence, and I only did the docs feature because it was needed).

If you're intrested in becoming a dedicated php-money with me, like Thinice has, please email me as such. Knowledge of CSS, HTML, javascript, PHP, and MySQL is a neccesity.

However, I realize that that's a hassle, and I don't want anyone who isn't ready for a large level of cooperation and a small amount of responsibility to become a webmonkey. So, recognizing that, there are a few things that I wouldn't mind having gifted upon me that do not require intimate knowledge of the codebase.

  • Something to act like persistant global variables without touching the db, for use in generating quasi-dynamic content in the sidebar without bogging down the site. explained more in-depth here.
  • A better html stripper/validator to remove hazardous tags and attributes. This is a tricky thing to properly create, and I'd rather not create one myself. I'd also rather not use fake markup like [a href=] jazz, although it may come down to that.
  • a specialized parser for stuff within <pre>-tags, so that all <'s become changed to &lt;'s in the source, and so that we can do systax highlighting.
  • a specialized parser for any number of special smiley codes for that extra dash of immaturity.

This list is not exhaustive.

Posted on 2004-05-23 14:59:47


If you're intrested in becoming a dedicated php-money with me,

There is money available? Where? Can I have some?

(feel free to delete this post after you corrected your post, if you like)

Posted on 2004-05-23 16:02:49


I'd rather not edit mine... since all those special codes I typed in revert to the things they represented upon edit.

I hate webcode.

Posted on 2004-05-23 16:22:00


Do as you wish, PHP monkey. But don't be surprized if the cruel people on this board will make fun of you.
Unlike myself, of course.

Posted on 2004-05-23 16:43:12


As long as I'm the one with the delete and edit buttons, anyone and everyone is welcome to make fun of me! :D

Posted on 2004-05-23 16:48:32


Would javascript be safe and able to pass posted text from this form to your database or wherever it goes?? I don't know any php, but I could probably write a javascript parser that would allow only selected text, and replace <s with &lt;s etc. within pre tags.


Posted on 2004-05-24 14:51:03


I'm really looking for more of a standardized parser than a custom@Ơ2˜ution... there's so many loopholes to jump through.

Posted on 2004-05-25 10:54:35


Normally I'd edit that, but it's a stellar example of my computer's sucky random corruption. :(

Posted on 2004-05-25 23:23:24


I think I have a nice pre parser for you, but it doesn't yet do syntax highlighting since I haven't a clue how to use regexps, and str_ireplace() is PHP 5.

Try it out and let me know what you think. Source is available.

EDIT: OMG I GOT MY EDIT ABILITY BACK. Must have been a cookie thing....

Posted on 2004-06-24 23:42:51 (last edited on 2004-06-26 08:12:25)



vrpg does not use php5.

And as I've said before, any parser needs to pretty much be a lightweight dom-fragment parser, and not a search-replacer.

Posted on 2004-06-26 21:42:05


Ok.. does this;

Edit: That is version 2.. so um.. please don't kill mee ._.

Posted on 2004-07-27 19:33:14 (last edited on 2004-07-27 19:34:23)

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