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Any particular reason I can't read anything past the first page of any thread? I've tried on two computers so far, and when I try to go past the first page of the thread is says I'm looking at page 2 when it's really just showing page 1 again. Actually, I've always had this problem. Which is why I never reply to anything past the first page of a thread. This is all in IE.

Posted on 2004-07-06 19:27:44


I'm not Grue (obviously, I'm too good looking), and I can't help you with your IE problem, but I can direct you to the Mozilla/Firefox website where you will find a fast and relieable browser without the security problems of IE.
I'm using this browser for some time now, and I never had any real problems with it.

Posted on 2004-07-06 20:36:58




Seriously, though. I've Firefox for a long time. In fact, I was using it back when it was FireBIRD. Which isn't much of a feat, since it only changed names a little while ago.

The problem is, the computers I use the most aren't my own, so I really have no say in it.

And don't say you're better looking than the grue. It's kind of a given.

Posted on 2004-07-06 22:46:31


Quote:Originally posted by ashground

And don't say you're better looking than the grue. It's kind of a given.

You doubt my sexayness? Heresy.

I have no idea why you would have this problem. I am open to suggestion. Most of our userbase are IE users, and although I sometimes hear of weird errors, nobody's able to tell me how to replicate them.

Posted on 2004-07-07 00:36:01


I really have no idea. Nothing links the two except that I'm using IE in both cases, but I've also been on a computer where it worked fine. But the two that are having problems, one is NT, the other is XP, one's dial-up, the other's cable... and none of it makes -any- sense, because this should all be strictly be server-side, right? So the client should have literally no effect. Unless you have sessions linked to changing thread pages for unknown reasons, but that doesn't make any sense, and the computer I'm on doesn't have any weird permission settings.

So, I'm in a thread...

And I click on [next page]...

But it's the same page. Let's play.
... same results.
... same results.
... same results.
... same results (more or less -- buggers things like you'd expect it to).

Okay, let's see if I can run FireFox off a CD.

Lookit that, you can. Let's play some more.
... funny. It works.

Waaaaait a second.

Curiouser and curiouser.

It seems the reason I can't switch pages is that in IE, it's showing all the posts on the first page.

Except it's only doing that in IE, not in FireFox. Which makes no sense whatsoever. Though my mind's already thinking up a couple leads.

I can dig into it some more, if you want.

Oh, by the way, do you still want those icons I made? :P I lost my hard drive since then, but it wouldn't take me long to make them again. I'm pretty sure I remember more or less what they were.

Posted on 2004-07-07 02:24:46



I know why.

Try logging out and back in. If that doesn't work, physically delete your IE cookie and then log in.

You were one of the few people using the nested view. I ditched that as a hassle when I added other stuff. Didn't forsee this possibility.

Posted on 2004-07-07 05:01:43


Mwahaha. Fixed.

Thanks :)

Posted on 2004-07-07 14:36:54

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