Human Being, dammit
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INVALID VERIFICATION my unwashed butt. My email addy is as given, and my nic is as given. WFT is the problem with the comp? You shut down? Of is yer comp suffering from terminal idiocy?
I AM Please convice yer system that this is so.
Thank you.

Posted on 2004-10-20 00:52:02


It's not a problem with the server computer. It's likely a problem with the PHP email verification. Maybe, there's a bug handling addresses that end with .net? Also, no need to get worked up. Yelling at people isn't always going to get your way.

That is all.

Posted on 2004-10-20 02:21:32


Oggywan: your email reads as such in the database. What's wrong here?

Posted on 2004-10-21 08:34:49


Also, please wash your butt.

Posted on 2004-10-28 00:06:13

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