Please follow these steps:
1) Clear all of your browser's cookies.
2) Login.
3) Click around the site a few times, making sure you're still logged in. Make sure you're logged in on the forums.
4) Close all instances of your browser.
5) reopen your browser to vrpg.
Are you still logged in?
Now, for those of you that can read cookie data, is the ss2 cookie existant around step 3, and when's it's expiry date? Then, is it existant at step 5? If it is, is it the same?
Your help is appreciated. Results have been... odd so far. And I totally want this login bug solved. I could probably solve it by doing logins in a completely different way, but that'd be admitting defeat or something.
Posted on 2006-07-06 06:20:54
SS2 cookie data is created once I login at step 2, and it tends to hang around all during step 3.
Firefox says the expiration time on the cookie is the exact time that I receive it.
After reopening the browser, the cookie still exists when I go to V-RPG. But, I'm not logged in.
After clicking "login" again at the top, I am immediately given the login success message, and Firefox doesn't register any change in the cookie at all (the expiration date is even the same as when I first created it in step one).
Note that I'm using Firefox's cookie viewer.
Posted on 2006-07-06 12:58:11