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Okay I guess this isn't really a verge question, but I was wondering if someone could help me out with this. I have mirc, and up until recently I've had a direct connection to the internet through my computer, and I've been able to connect to espernet. Now, however, my computer's internet connection is through a network and I can no longer connect to any servers that I have tried. I keep getting an 'Unable to resolve server' error. If anyone can help me with this, that would be awesome.


Posted on 2005-09-10 17:33:33


Do you have a firewall or router? Open up ports 6666, 6667, and 6668 by going to the router/firewall IP. It might work. Personally I haven't had to ever do that, but you might need to. Alternatively, try connecting directly to a server like instead of I do that for some reason, even though there's no real forseeable benefit. I dunno.

Posted on 2005-09-10 18:16:01


Thanks for the response.

I'm on a university network, so I can't really change their port settings. I allowed port 6667 on my windows firewall and set that as the port for mirc to use, and I still get 'connection refused.' I _think_ (just guessing here) that it's the irc server that is rejecting me, not a router that's stopping me. I really don't see any reason why it should do that. Any more help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Posted on 2005-09-10 19:59:30


If you're using a university network, maybe the network admin has blocked all ports besides the typically used ones like Port 80, 20, 21 and such. I mean, try other IRC servers and see if you can connect from the list that comes with mIRC. If you can't connect to any of the ones you try, it's probably the case. Also, have you tried using this site's Java IRC client?

I dunno, it's really odd considering it works for me and many others. So it has to somehow be related to your network. Do you have to use proxy settings to connect to the Internet? As hard as it may be, why not try and contact the network admin and ask them if it's possible they've blocked the necessary ports and if so to maybe open them. I dunno. ;__;

Posted on 2005-09-10 20:19:33


I was afraid I might have to do that. I'll have to give that a try. Thanks again.

Posted on 2005-09-11 15:19:24

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