".plan" for the website.
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This is a list of things I'm planning for the next major revision of the site:

  1. completion of this list.

Posted on 2004-02-12 06:08:16


Here is a list of bands that are stupid.

1. Limp Bizkit

This list is not exhaustive.

Posted on 2004-02-12 08:39:14


(c) zeromus.org, beotch

Posted on 2004-02-13 11:57:37


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

This is a list of things I'm planning for the next major revision of the site:

  1. completion of this list.

I'm waiting... ;)

(just thought I should completely waste my 200th post, to celebrate.)


PS It is elementary, my dear Watson, that one of my posts was deleted. ¿He sido realmente malo, sin saberlo? O si no, ¿qué pasó?

Posted on 2004-06-01 06:22:10


What, who me?


2. Documentation System

Posted on 2004-06-01 20:49:56

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Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford.
Verge-rpg.com is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.