pre-tage badness
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I added

pre {
whitespace: normal;

to the techno geisha css. I see no changes in it's handling :(

Posted on 2004-04-27 23:08:57


Hmm. It seems that I suck.

I have resolved, however (since I gave you the bad advice to begin with) to figure this out. So hopefully I will post later with a real fix.

Posted on 2004-04-28 01:26:57


Ahahaha. It seems that I simply can't read.

The css tag should be white-space (note the -) not whitespace. Unfortunately, in IE this seems to get rid of the skipped line after the pre block. I'm still working to see if I can get a nice oneline buffer around the blocks.

Edit: And white-space kills the monospaced font of pre as well, and any tabbing that you have, so it's not a good fix anyway. Still looking.

Edit: Also it seems that the thing I thought it broke in IE was like that before anyway. Hahaha.

Posted on 2004-04-28 01:36:36 (last edited on 2004-04-28 01:49:02)


Huzzah! I have found it. :D

Just stick the following two selectors into the css which you wish to make better:

body pre br {

html>body pre {
line-height: 5pt;

Yes. I actually tested it this time, in Mozilla and IE. Hopefully it works across the board.

Posted on 2004-04-28 02:28:50


> is a css thingy? :o

(Edit: changes made to the css! A success!)

(Edit again: We will all now hail Kildorf as our Lord and Liege Master!)

Posted on 2004-04-28 03:51:25 (last edited on 2004-04-28 11:20:53)


> is a css thingy? :o

It is... it specifies a child of something. (I honestly am uncertain as to the difference between html body and html>body)

Thing is, IE doesn't understand in properly, so it ignores that block, which is good because if IE gets both styles it squishes the lines together. Mozilla does understand it properly, and needs both styles to look right, and gets them because it can read them both.

Edit: More specifically, it's a CSS2 thing, which is why IE doesn't understand it, since IE's CSS support is crap.

Posted on 2004-04-28 11:46:54 (last edited on 2004-04-28 11:47:59)

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