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It seems to me that it would be useful to include a way to leave a message for particular user that goes to a message inbox for them, which they can check and be notified of when they log on, or when they recieve the message.

Posted on 2004-08-29 00:55:22


There is a system for that. I call it "e-mail".

If you want your email publically accessible so people can "contact" you personally, there's an option for that in your user profile.

Posted on 2004-08-29 04:49:03


It just seems more convenient to do it this way for quick messages so, for one, you don't have to give out your email, and two it's faster to leave a quick note. But it's up to you. I saw it in another forum, and thought it might be useful.

Posted on 2004-08-30 06:00:20


When mcgrue said "use e-mail instead", what he actually meant was "I'm too busy*cough*lazy*cough* to code a private msg system".

Posted on 2004-09-01 19:33:12


The private message system in place is actually just a simple webmail accessable to users. However, instead of debugging it for 10 minutes months ago, I just disabled the page instead.

Posted on 2004-09-01 22:43:41


Web development at it's best!

I too suffer from a similar stigma ;)

Posted on 2004-09-02 03:04:58


At least make it so that when I press email I dont get a page that says 'this page is currently disabled.'

Posted on 2004-09-20 03:41:30


Better idea is to just use vbulletin or phpbb :D

Posted on 2004-10-19 20:33:10


I gave grue a regged vb to play with for testing purposes. The question is everyone willing to donate a couple of bucks to go towards the $160 vbulletin license? (I would)

phpbb is more volatile and hella easy to break.

Posted on 2004-10-19 21:15:45


how dare you suggest replacing the system that grue spent loads of free time into making!

Posted on 2004-10-21 23:56:16


Because the prebuilts are better?

I approached vecna about a potential vbuiltin license earlier. The consensus was 'well, it'd be neat, but that's kinda overkill for a community of ~50 active members'.

I have other issues with phpBB, but nothing that's insurmountable.

So, maybe later.

Posted on 2004-10-22 05:27:40

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