Two tiny tiny things...
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...that I don't even care if you fix:

The address of my avatar in my profile is incorrect.

When previewing a new message, in the upper right it states: "Your reply".

I said they were tiny tiny things.


Posted on 2004-05-09 07:24:58



.... you want it to read "you're reply"? Or am I completely missing the second point?

Posted on 2004-05-11 12:21:30


No, it just seems that a new message is in fact not a "reply". A few possible phrases for new messages might be:

Your message:
Your post:
Your inane babbling:

But really, it's no big deal, I had nothing to say then, so I said practically nothing. (post_count++)

Posted on 2004-05-11 14:54:42



But the button you press to make a post is 'reply'!

Posted on 2004-05-11 17:06:59


[message censored because it's impossible for me to actually delete my worthless message] And it's all Disney's fault!

Posted on 2004-05-11 17:32:48 (last edited on 2004-05-11 17:37:12)


grue grue grue... hes talking about when you start a 'new discussion' and you press preview before sumbiting your new discussion

Posted on 2004-05-11 17:45:39


While we're being retarded, looking at a profile brings up "YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER OF ANY TEAMS/YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER OF ANY GAMES", even if the profile isn't yours.

Posted on 2004-05-12 01:31:37


we_appreciate_all_your_hard_work = true;

if(!grue.OnIdle()) grue.sleepy = false;

Posted on 2004-05-12 14:08:52


[Edited due to emotional influences by lack of food.]

Posted on 2004-05-12 14:19:59 (last edited on 2004-05-12 17:42:27)


Quote:Originally posted by Gayo

While we're being retarded, looking at a profile brings up "YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER OF ANY TEAMS/YOU ARE NOT A MEMBER OF ANY GAMES", even if the profile isn't yours.

That's just to remind you of the shame of not being a member of any teams or games, no matter where you go.

In fact, we'll be changing from to in a matter of weeks to further solidify vergedev's new policy in these regards.

Posted on 2004-05-12 14:36:04


I believe you misunderstand... I am not calling grue idle, OnIdle() is called to run background tasks, similar to sleeping. I was suggesting in fact that grue (and you) performing these background tasks (IE: sleeping) is more important than these "two tiny tiny things".

I honestly do appreciate all the treats we've been given, the site rocks with it's socks off, finished or not.


I specifically failed to put a PeekMessage() and PumpMessage() in the loop to force idle processes to complete while ignoring all other tasks.

Posted on 2004-05-12 14:43:34 (last edited on 2004-05-12 14:52:10)


Quote:Originally posted by El Desconocido

I believe you misunderstand... I am not calling grue idle, OnIdle() is called to run background tasks, similar to sleeping. I was suggesting in fact that grue (and you) performing these background tasks (IE: sleeping) is more important than these "two tiny tiny things".

I honestly do appreciate all the treats we've been given, the site rocks with it's socks off, finished or not.


I specifically failed to put a PeekMessage() and PumpMessage() in the loop to force idle processes to complete while ignoring all other tasks.

S'ok I get cranky when I'm low on badgersauce... There's nothing to eat around the house :( I even resorted to eating leftover spam this morning ;_;

Prepare for the utter greatness of the docs system, coming to a verge website near you!

Posted on 2004-05-12 17:40:25 (last edited on 2004-05-12 17:41:26)

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