Way to go Overkill
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Just thought that I would rub it in. ;-)

Way to totally screw the pooch man!

Of course, we've all done it at some point. Once I accidentally typed 'rm *' while in my company's webpage root. That was.... bad. Luckily I believe in backups.

Posted on 2006-05-24 20:00:55


Heh, you just cheered me up, considering your mistake sounds like it would've been a lot worse. Mine at least can be blamed on the software I was using! Then again, you could blame me... for not using a shell interface like putty. Alternatively, for having an index.php on my desktop to begin with :D

But whatever, I'm certain we must have a backup.

Posted on 2006-05-24 20:14:47


qft: wtg, ovk!

So, we must have a backup, "we" meaning "me"? ;)

Ah, memories...

Posted on 2006-05-25 00:11:31


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

So, we must have a backup, "we" meaning "me"? ;)

...Yes, I meant you. :D Send me a recent site backup though sometime, it wouldn't hurt to have a copy of the site!

Posted on 2006-05-25 06:12:42


Hey, though! The Currently Online Users list is active again! That's awesome in an "about time" sort of way :)

EDIT: Wait, nevermind. You all fail. ;)

Posted on 2006-05-25 09:43:56 (last edited on 2006-05-25 14:54:04)

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