Yo bum rush the show (is the files section working?)
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I'm trying to upload an updated version of my Demon etc tutorial. It's only like 2.8 MB and it doesn't seem to be going through at all. I don't get a "download failed" page or any error messages; the site just stops loading anything altogether. Shall man be saved?

Posted on 2008-09-11 05:35:06


email it to me and I will force it to work.

the file section's irregularities are basically the cornerstone of why I've been working on beta.vrpg

Posted on 2008-09-30 02:04:26


I can't email it just because of gmail and its refusal to send .exe files--here's the file hosted on dreamstem, though. http://www.dreamstem.com/files/dla1-2.rar Thanks!

Posted on 2008-09-30 10:51:19




Posted on 2008-10-01 00:50:42

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