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Sonic 3 and Knuckles was bloody awesome. The final battle in space with Hyper Sonic was, like, so freaking cool.

Sonic Adventure 1 was good. Sonic Adventure 2 was good, and had some pretty cool moments (like the Biohazard vs. Shadow battle and the Finalhazard). The problem with SA2 was that they put so many different gameplay styles into one game (fast platforming, exploration/item search, and shooter). It would have been better like Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 and Knuckles, where the gameplay was the same no matter what character you picked, except it would have small tweaks (flight and swimming for Tails, gliding and climbing for Knuckles).

Haven't played Sonic Heroes. I heard it was alright. Didn't like Sonic 3D Blast. Seemed...well, it looked cool, and the music in Zone 2 was great, but I just wasn't really interested in it.

Posted on 2004-05-06 02:40:38


I'm special. I actually have original copies of Suikoden 1 AND 2. Bought them when they first came out. :D

Suikoden 1's story is so sad. :( I guess number 2 is also, but I never got very far. Guess I should dust it off sometime.

Posted on 2004-05-09 02:03:58


Went and downloaded a ton of Saturn development documents. Maybe I'll actually try making something for it if I ever buy one :)

Posted on 2004-05-09 09:17:08


Or you could make a full-featured Saturn emulator. With Verge. :D

Posted on 2004-05-09 23:48:30


This stuff looks kinda nasty. Today I finally realized that I wasn't understanding it, and I took a side trip to learn a bunch about assembly and direct memory access.

In between rushing through tutorials, my brain just spazzed out, like it was telling me "What's the point here?"

Apparently Saturn development is far far far far far far from easy. One of the web pages I've seen is from a guy who says he "wouldn't wish Saturn development on his worst enemy."

Still looks intriguing though, so I'll keep looking at it. I'll need a Saturn with some kind of connection to PC to do any real work, though...

Posted on 2004-05-10 06:34:21

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