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<aaron> You have to learn to not think of a women as an object. Otherwise it won't let you fuck it.

Posted on 2004-04-16 03:52:08 (last edited on 2004-04-16 03:52:09)


Oh MAN that's a good quote.

Posted on 2004-04-16 14:48:59


<aaron> You have to learn to not think of a women as an object. Otherwise it won't let you fuck it.

I'll say it again...

Posted on 2004-04-16 19:44:18


I'll say it again...

Yeah, but you can't deny how great that quote is.

Posted on 2004-04-16 19:48:48


Oh, I wasn't denying it at all! :D

Posted on 2004-04-16 20:06:21


Yes! The outright brashness only increases its appeal!

Posted on 2004-04-17 05:45:26


I can be brash too! Women are... err... like men! Yeah! Thats it! Men! Only with wo! Women are wo men! Take that feminism!

Posted on 2004-04-17 05:54:25 (last edited on 2004-04-17 06:03:15)


I find your genius to be exceedingly ungeniuslike, KilloZapit.

Posted on 2004-04-17 20:24:17


Hay, some people are math geniuses, some are spelling geniuses. Me? I am a stupid genius. And don't you forget it. And I am almost 75% sure I have stolen both of my exceedingly unfunny statements form somewhere. So there.

Posted on 2004-04-17 23:51:44

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