Female Vergers (lack thereof)
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Did the VERGE community ever have any female Vergers? Currently I don't see any at all. You'd have thought something with the creative freedom of VERGE would have them arriving in droves. I'm guessing they either loath and despise coding or *somebody* scared them off. Or they're all playing The Sims.

Posted on 2004-04-12 23:56:18


Lady Starmage, Tracy, Seren, Lady Deathrose, Lum, CoolBeans, Lina`chan

Those are all the ones I remember, although you couldn't call a few of them "VERGErs" per se.

Posted on 2004-04-13 00:02:22


Lots of use of the letter "L" there. I've heard of Seren, I played a Revelation demo quite a while back. What happened, they all get bored?

Posted on 2004-04-13 00:11:08


L:Female Verger::Z:Male Verger

Posted on 2004-04-13 00:14:34


... And "I"? No, wait, don't answer that!

Posted on 2004-04-13 00:53:27


"I" = GHEY LMAO!1!11

You're right! I don't know what happened to the female VERGEers... :( There were never too many to begin with I suppose. But there were actually quite a few artist girlfriends/friends that drew for their VERGE friends.

Posted on 2004-04-13 01:11:38


Or they're all playing The Sims.

It's true, my sister plays The Sims. ALL girls who can work a computer do. Electronic Arts have got a lot to answer for.

Posted on 2004-04-13 03:53:03 (last edited on 2004-04-13 03:53:44)


Well, Lady Deathrose should return at some point, I finally managed to get her to start making TQFA for V3 few days ago.

Posted on 2004-04-13 09:01:55


Oh yeah, since most girls who play games are not computer geeks, V3:s user-friendliness should appeal to them (when it's ready). They still need to find their way here though. :)

Posted on 2004-04-13 09:19:03


I don't play The Sims... o_o

(yes, I'm a girl)

Posted on 2004-04-13 15:16:32


I don't play The Sims... o_o

Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Ladies *and* gentlemen, this person is a miracle. Can you code or are you an artist / musician / jack-of-all-trades? I'm a jack-of-most-trades (can't write music to save my life). No, wait: artist. I just skimmed over your profile. Nice webpage. Female input is always a bonus for pretty much anything creative.

The sitcom "Spaced" was co-written with a woman and it was ace. One of Thief and Thief 2's level designers was female (one Terri Brosius. She is best remebered as.. the voice of System Shock's SHODAN. Best enemy every.) and they're ace, particularly her levels. Writing believable female characters also becomes a lot easier.

And, of course, being Sims-free is worth several rounds of applause. I hate mundane games without an end: whats there to look forward to? They feel like such a cop-out. Like an ending is a hard thing to do. Plus, of course, its single-handedly consumed the computer games charts in the space of a couple of years. Great games with fabulous narratives and exciting features fall off the top ten while "The Sims: Makin' Magic" sits on the number one spot for the rest of eternity.

I think there are few women in games making because the assumption is that there's prejudice against them in games playing and it therefore must exist in the creation of games too. Ho-hum.

Posted on 2004-04-13 19:21:28


"Or they're all playing The Sims."

When I first read that I laughed but then I actually thought about it and realised....I don't think that there's a girl I know IRL that doesn't play it...

"Well, Lady Deathrose should return at some point, I finally managed to get her to start making TQFA for V3 few days ago."

Hurray! :D I used to chat with her on ICQ quite a bit, but then I was netless for a couple of months, and by the time I got back no one was using ICQ anymore. :P

Anyway glad to see she's still around. TQFA was great. ^_^

Posted on 2004-04-13 21:45:08


No, wait: artist.

And what an artist... that's some pretty amazing material there. If I could draw a quarter as well as that I'd do the cell art for Midsummer myself.

Speaking of which... anyone want to do some cell art for Midsummer? :D

Posted on 2004-04-13 22:51:29


I think there are few women in games making because the assumption is that there's prejudice against them in games playing and it therefore must exist in the creation of games too. Ho-hum.

You'll be happy to know that I'm looking into doing concept design for games at some point. I need to shake off some of the anime/manga look of my art to get there though. And there's always that school thing. I'm looking at a school in North Vancouver which looks pretty good. Not that that has anything to do with being a girl. :P

edit: fear my html skills. -_-

Posted on 2004-04-13 23:00:35 (last edited on 2004-04-13 23:01:54)


(yes, I'm a girl)

You, madam, have made interference's "Trolling-for-girls" thread a success! ;)

For the record, the administrators know for a fact that there are several female lurkers, or else several men wil exceptionally girly emails.

Down, boys. Control your hormones. I've said this time and again in 6 years of seeing women (or people claiming to be women) appear in #verge... they're far away from you! There's no point in going ga-ga for girl-girl. ;)

Posted on 2004-04-13 23:06:01


You, madam, have made interference's "Trolling-for-girls" thread a success! ;)

Glad I could be of service. :P

Down, boys. Control your hormones. I've said this time and again in 6 years of seeing women (or people claiming to be women) appear in #verge... they're far away from you! There's no point in going ga-ga for girl-girl. ;)

*snicker* I'm already taken by a verger anyway. Kildorf heard about the HoV that just took place and sent me a frantic email from work on the first day asking if I would do art for him for it before I went home to visit my parents for the weekend. We did the Journey to Black Mountain entry. (*plug plug*)

Posted on 2004-04-13 23:21:42


Ah! THAT Tulokyn. I am in envy of your exceptionally clean and sharp portrait art. That little game was good, although intensely frustrating in several areas. Still, it *was* only a week.

I'm a Computer Aided Design student with delusions of grandeur: allows for a nice wide skill set incase I never make the computer games industry. I can design godawful cars instead.

You, madam, have made interference's "Trolling-for-girls" thread a success! ;)

Trolling? Moi? Damn, it was that obvoius?

Posted on 2004-04-13 23:36:08


I'm already taken by a verger anyway

You think this'll stop.... them?

Posted on 2004-04-13 23:59:25


Boy can I see where *this* is going...

Besides, I am a very shy young man who is frankly useless around women. Mostly.

Posted on 2004-04-14 00:31:15


Perhaps you can be useful *on* them instead..

Posted on 2004-04-14 01:52:23

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