Games you care about
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Quote:Originally posted by Darien

choris and other earthbound fans: there has been a translation in the works for some time now at

Neat, looks like it's almost done too.

Posted on 2007-03-07 20:59:44


your mom

Posted on 2007-03-27 21:00:48


I'd just like to add The Longest Journey and Dreamfall to my list of games I care about: I just finished them both and am so emotionally drained I think I'm going to need a lie down.

April Ryan is quite possibly one of the most well-written and intensely likable characters I've ever had the good fortune to come across in a videogame. Between her and Alyx Vance, it's April every time. Besides, Alyx doesn't have a wisecracking, talking bird for a friend.

Posted on 2007-04-07 18:26:41


Alyx does have a giant dog, though.

Posted on 2007-04-08 22:10:05


Quote:Originally posted by Interference22

Besides, Alex doesn't have a wisecracking, talking bird for a friend.

Ah, but I do:

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He didn't quite get the hang of it, but he was still better than Bernard Manning. And Bernard Matthews for that matter. Mmmm, delicious!

Umm... anyway, on the correct subject of the thread I'd like to add:

Sensible World of Soccer
Monkey Island 1 & 2 (not so much 3 and certainly not 4)
Pirates Gold! (no more crappy sequels please Mr Meir)
Colonization (actually I wouldn't mind a crappy sequel of this please Mr Meir)
Phantasy Star III & IV
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Sonic 1 & 2
Elite II & III (stop buggering about on rollercoasters and give us another one, Mr Braben)

That's Meir and Braben told.

EDIT: Oh, and Oblivion and maybe Medieval 2 Total War.

Posted on 2007-04-09 11:55:23 (last edited on 2007-04-09 12:01:40)


In descending order of sorts...

Silent Scope (1,2,Sogeki)
Planescape: Torment
Fallout (1,2)
Chrono Trigger
Baldur's Gate (1,2,TOB)
Final Fantasy 6
Kingdom of Loathing

Posted on 2007-05-21 11:57:03


Akalabeth: World of Doom
Ultima(all of them)
Lunar 1 and 2 (remakes and originals)
Cosmic Fantasy 2
Xanadu/Dragon Slayer series
Magic Knight Rayearth
Popful Mail
Dragon Force
Ar Tonelico
Final Fantasy (duhh)
Phantasy Star (especially 2)
Shining Force (*hug*)
Might and Magic: World of Xeen
Bards Tale
Neutopia 1 and 2

and then a plethora of vintage arcade games.

Posted on 2007-06-04 11:28:40


Alex: go out and by Dreamfall Limited Edition for the PC -- it's The Longest Journey, TLJ: Dreamfall and a fantastic little art book in one blinding little package. Honestly, the characters in that demand the greatest emotional attachment I've experienced in a long time. I didn't just care about TLJ, I bloody loved it. It's so good, you'll feel empty and lonely for at least a week after finishing it. Which is good.

Posted on 2007-06-15 17:45:56

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