Games you care about
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I've been thinking about game design lately, and it occurred to me that I never evaluated games in the same way I often evaluate books and movies and music. That is, I never ask myself what games am I glad I played. I mean what games do I value beyond the momentary entertainment value that, afterwards, I acknowledge as really worth my time. I mean how an action flick you can enjoy watching, but really you don't care about it after it's done with versus a good movie that leaves an impression.

So then it occurred to me that there were really no games that I value like that, with the possible exception of Earthbound, but that's stretching it a little bit, I think. Chrono Trigger, the Final Fantasy series, Zelda, I'm not really glad I've played any of them except for nostalgia sources... I think so, at least.

So, what games are you glad you've played?

Posted on 2006-12-11 23:22:32


kirby's dream course.. vagrant story... katamari damacy.. shadow of the colossus. i'm sure there are a few more

Posted on 2006-12-12 11:53:59


Off the top of my head:

Doukutsu Monogatari (Cave Story)
Final Fantasy 6 & 9
Tales of Symphonia
Commander Keen
Collosal Cave/Zork
Monkey Island 1 & 2
Legend of Zelda: Windwaker

Some of these I'm more glad that I played them because of influence on me - Commander Keen, ADOM, and Collosal Cave were huge influences and, I suspect, are large parts of the reason that I decided that I wanted to make games.

Posted on 2006-12-12 17:41:47 (last edited on 2006-12-12 17:42:32)


I gave it some thought and here's what I came up with:

Mega Man 2
Kirby's Adventure
Super Metroid
Cave Story
Super Mario Bros. 3
Shadow of the Colossus
Commander Keen
Jazz Jackrabbit
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
Katamari Damacy
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 6

Posted on 2006-12-13 10:25:47


Ack! I can't believe I forgot (I was reminded by Overkill's list):

Shadows of the Collosus
The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening

Posted on 2006-12-13 16:12:07


Goblin Toss

Posted on 2006-12-27 08:32:07


Final Fantasy 6
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Breath of Fire 4
Suikoden 2

Posted on 2007-01-03 22:10:31


I've got a bunch of games I care about, but I'll list one that a lot of people overlooked:

-Baten Kaitos Origins

This is one solid, challenging RPG. A refreshing change from all the easy crap that comes out nowadays. ;)

Posted on 2007-01-03 22:41:00


Twilight. Princess.

Maybe I'm overhyping it, but I enjoy it immensely so far. It's like...Ocarina...with the art style reminiscent of Shadow of the Colossus.

Posted on 2007-01-05 14:28:49


Yeah, Twilight Princess is indeed a great game. In my opinion, it is the greatest Zelda released thus far(not to mention the longest). I completed the game about 3 weeks ago, and it definitely lived up to the hype.

Posted on 2007-01-05 20:57:01 (last edited on 2007-01-05 20:57:16)


*pops in head*

Here's a list:
Cave Story // I freakin' love this game =_=
Seiken Densetsu 3 // Multiplayer... with friend... amazing...
Legend of Mana // Same as above
Saga Frontier 2 // Challenging and addicting
Mario 64 // The huge crazy environment, man...
Super Smash Bros. (+Melee) // I play this too much
Halo // Atmosphere, atmosphere, this is one shooter I play too much as well
Tales of Phantasia // Not very challenging, but VERY awesome battle system and a nice storyline as well
Star Ocean: Second Story // This one's for the battle system :/
Super Smash TV // NOSTALGIA
Tales of Destiny 2 // ...MULTIPLAYER
CastleVania: Harmony of Dissonance // This. Is. One. Freaking. Amazing. Platforming. OMG!
CastleVania: Aria of Sorrow // You don't need rave reviews
CastleVania: Dawn of Sorrow // To appreciate this awesome!
CastleVania: Symphony of the Night // This is one of the only platformers I consider to be near perfect, but the translation is crappy :/
Valkyrie Profile // crazy crazy CRAZY battle system. Those folks at tri-Ace Know What They're Doing! (tm) The story is amazing, and the design and flow... the challenge... just play this. It's worth it.
Street Fighter Alpha 3 // ahhh... memories... you know, I was a fighter junky once...
DarkStalkers 3 // and this is one of the greatest fighters E.VER.
Ninja Gaiden (nes) // RYYYYYUUUUUUU
Megaman 1-6 // Just... love at first sight. The first gaming experiences I had as a child.... yeah. Addiction. 5 was my favorite.
Zelda: Links Awakening // great fun
Zelda: Ocarina of Time // I grew to love this
Gundam Wing: Endless Duel // Another great fighter... hey, I was a junky!
Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension // OK OK, last fighter...
Super Mario Bros. 3 // ADDICTION!

I never really left this place, it's too great a community ;D. Just never logged one. :P

Posted on 2007-01-08 01:23:43


you guys make me feel so young!
i look so new breed compared to the likes of Final fantasy 5 'n' 6 (I hang my head in shame 'cus i've never played them)
I love the final fantasy stories yet i've only played the Yuna and tidus games

There's also Mortal combat deception;
mariocarts DS;
metroid prime;
the latest final fantasy XII (AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!);
all those wierd japanese games that come from arcade games IE Coco Loco (or summit like that);
the .hack PS2 game from the Manga (that i played in america but didn't work whebn i came back to England);
Runescape (SSSSOOOORRRRYYYY I was 5 when i first played it and i am to be blamed if i still play it often.)
and CS of course, but my internet doesn't like it any more, (Stupid Dial Up Modem)

Oh! and all of your games of couse.

Posted on 2007-01-08 12:10:00


Games I genuinely care about:

Knights of the Old Republic (stunningly brilliant characterisation, particularly Bastilla)
Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 (characterisation, again. Plus the sheer size and depth of the locations the games take place in)
Hostile Waters (fun characters and a truly tear-jerking ending. Play it for me, will you?)
Deus Ex (choices that have interesting consequences)
Original War (RTS everybody ignored. Hard, but utterly brilliant. Every trooper is a character, base building is much more true to life and you get to make campaign-altering decisions throughout)
Thief 1, 2, 3 (the best player character of all time. Cynical, arrogant and completely brilliant)

The end of KotOR made me cry. Mind you, I just finished watching the whole of Bablyon 5 on DVD (missed out the first time. It's utterly fantastic) and the end to that reduced me to a sobbing wreck. So, for me to care we have to have fantastic characters in a coherent setting experiencing the whole range of human emotion. Then I'm happy.

Posted on 2007-02-01 20:04:55


Lufia 2
Wild Arms 1

System Shock 2
Sim City 4
Civ 4
Half Life
Master of Magic
Master of Orion 2
Moonbase Commander
...Bookworm Adventures >_>

Posted on 2007-02-07 05:31:29


in order of care factor -

The Legend of Zelda
Ultima 6
Kings Quest 3
Castlevania (the original)
Supermario Sunshine

Posted on 2007-03-02 14:04:32


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

System Shock 2

Actually, I second that too. Not so much with Half-Life, though. Half-Life 2, yes, but no the original. HL2's characters had far greater depth. And, of course, the lovely Alyx.

Posted on 2007-03-02 18:55:44


I have recently finished Earthbound.

Posted on 2007-03-05 00:52:06


One of my all time favorites. Local video store had it (amazingly) when I was a kid. They had the oversized box with the scratch and sniff manual and everything.

Its sequel for the gba came out in Japan last year and since no english translation is in the works, the happy happy cultists at claim to be producing an english rom hack/patch. I'm looking forward to it.

Posted on 2007-03-05 01:27:41


In response to the original question, I don't think there are any games like that for me. But, there are no books or movies that are that way for me either. Well, not fiction anyway. (The Selfish Gene comes most forefront to my mind as a worthwhile read). I learned a little bit from some Koei games, like Genghis Khan and Romance of the 3 Kingdoms. So I guess that's kind of worthwhile.

Anything else are just games I really enjoyed, which I'd rather have not played, because then I could play them now as a new experience. And the same thing goes for great movies or books.

Posted on 2007-03-05 19:17:24


choris and other earthbound fans: there has been a translation in the works for some time now at

Posted on 2007-03-07 03:06:43

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