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You're just jealous because Howard Dean's more metal than you are! :D

Posted on 2005-03-09 09:49:19


If I ever run into Howard Dean, I will challenge him to a bass off, then we'll see who's more metal!

Posted on 2005-03-09 09:54:38


Dude. Dean's totally a front man, and you know it.

You'd nary stand a femtosecond against the power of this Fully Operational Dean Scream once he rips his shirt off and starts prancing around the stage gyrating his pelvis suggestivly at the females throwing their panties at him.

Posted on 2005-03-09 10:14:38


True... I guess I'll see if he wants to join my band! Then, years from now we can have creative differences over where the band is going. He'll want to create more indulgent, high-brow 'art' ballads, but I'll still want to do down n' dirty riffs, which is what rock is really all about. Then, later on, after we've broken up and our legacy is ingrained in thousands of groupies, we'll get back together for lots and lots of money, despite me having cancer of the hand and being unable to play guitar. I'll just stand there on stage, and bow a lot, while my fill-in does all the hard work. Dean will still be able to scream.

Posted on 2005-03-09 12:40:12

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