Global Warming is still Bull Shit
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What a damn good article.

Posted on 2005-01-26 11:27:14


I kind of like this article. I read only 70% of it, but I especially enjoyed the defense against consensus science.

Posted on 2005-01-27 07:58:24


Yeah, the part about consensus science is so true.

Posted on 2005-01-27 18:29:17



What? Me Crazy? YEAH RIGHT!

Posted on 2005-02-04 18:18:15


And look, it's even on a site without specious science of it's own! ;)

Posted on 2005-02-11 01:20:24


Bullshit is one word. kthx.

Anyway too much CO2 in a specific place, and being continually replenished in that place, has serious environmental effects, whether it be global warming or just the plain 'We're fucking the environment up' theory.

Oh and what's happening in the Arctic? Big glaciers melting more than before, perhaps?

Posted on 2005-02-23 03:54:03


Not all that long ago we had an ice age.

The climate does lots of weird things.

Man may or may not be having a (non-negligible) impact on the earth's climate. The climate change may or may not be a good thing (to many countries, global warming would be very welcome and would have many positive economic benefits). The climate may be changing on its own.

None of that really matters. What is true is that the global climate has underwent fairly drastic change in the past, and manmade or not, it will in the future, and we should be prepared for that. That does not necessarily mean that things like Kyoto are the best courses of action to be prepared for such things, or the most cost-effective ways.

I'd suggest that we need to do something about the fact that the US has the lowest savings rate among industrialized nations, and that we have a tax system that pretty much actively discourages savings. Americans are in debt as is, we do not have 'rainy day' funds that will allow us to cope well with really any sort of serious disaster.

Posted on 2005-02-23 07:25:23


All excellent points...

And the point of the article, and my thread is actually two fold:

1) Bull Shit should indeed be two words
2) 'Consensus science' is Bull Roar. (sp??)

Posted on 2005-02-23 10:28:46 (last edited on 2005-02-23 10:29:42)


vecna said: I'd suggest that we need to do something about the fact that the US has the lowest savings rate among industrialized nations, and that we have a tax system that pretty much actively discourages savings. Americans are in debt as is, we do not have 'rainy day' funds that will allow us to cope well with really any sort of serious disaster.

TomT64 says: McGrue, I want my quote button.

I doubt seriously a better savings rate would help us cope much better with a serious disatser like coastal flooding. Even with savings we won't be able to unclog the traffic jams of people trying to get away from the disaster. Further I think we are probably more prepared in many other ways, but still not prepared enough. What we really need is some sort of air lift fleet, preferably one that is made up of some new engine that can even fly to extremely high altitudes easily and doesn't require a runway to take off or land. Of course, all this is digressing about as much as a comment that money solves such a problem.

Posted on 2005-02-23 16:34:52


Global warming is not really an environmental issue, its an economic issue. Global warming isn't going to (directly) kill lots of people, and coastal flooding is not going to be some tsunami-like sudden disaster. The 'impact' of global warming is things like less rain = crop problems and the fact that stuff built on the coast may get destroyed and will have to be moved etc... in other words, an economic issue. Of course, as long as people keep fighting stuff like GM foods, then crop failures may well cause people to die in places where food is scarce. But thats ultimately still an economic/political issue.

So thats why I say its a matter of preparation, and neither the average US citizen nor the US government itself is really in a strong enough financial state to take many more serious blows.

Also, its supposed to snow tommorow! Moar global warming plz :(

Posted on 2005-02-23 18:21:52


Remembers ladies and gentlemen, there's only two wings of politics:

Right Wing, and Wrong Wing.

Posted on 2005-02-25 23:45:44 (last edited on 2005-02-25 23:45:56)


There's a reason they're called wings. How well will that eagle fly with just one?

Posted on 2005-02-26 01:07:10


awwwwwww shnaappp

Posted on 2005-02-27 16:59:54


Hey. I thought that was pretty good, actually, TomT64.

Posted on 2005-02-27 22:05:37


The problem with the left wing, is that at it's best, it's still completely wrong, and at it's worst, it's the democrats.

Posted on 2005-02-28 15:16:31


That's how I feel about the right wing! What a coincidence!

Posted on 2005-03-01 17:19:08


Yeah, too bad left wing bs brought us (the USA) shit (Carter), while right wing shit (Reagan), brought us the end of the cold war, with no violence, going against every left wing ideal out there, in addition to growing the economy. Longest peacetime economic expansion in US history.... eat it!

So, exactly how can you say we're wrong at best, when we've already been proven right? ;-)

Posted on 2005-03-01 17:41:16



Posted on 2005-03-05 14:30:46


'God does not love everyone,' said protest organizer Shirley Phelps-Roper. 'You cannot live like the devil himself and expect to get into heaven.'

Huzzah, the Republican party at its best.

Edit by loretian: fixed link

Posted on 2005-03-05 15:21:54 (last edited on 2005-03-06 22:58:48)


That's a well-meaning person at their worst, it has nothing to do with the republican party.

That'd be like if I picked out a really stupid quote from some extreme radical and said it was the democratic party at it's best... for example:

'Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah' - Howard Dean!

Oh, oops - he is the head of the Democratic Party now. Sorry. ;-)

Posted on 2005-03-06 23:01:13

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