McGrue banned me from his livejournal!
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Hey, Tom! I thought you weren't going to whine about it! That's what the very first sentance of the thread says, isn't it?

I'll help you out in keeping your word now by locking this thread. After all, if you didn't mean what you said, you were obviously lying, and nobody wants to be a liar now, do they?

But, if you want to keep... you know... whining in a new thread, you can go right ahead.

Posted on 2005-03-09 09:47:46


Filled me IN. Filled me IN. Not.. filled me. Damn typo.

Edit: shit, that doesn't sound any better.

Posted on 2005-03-09 09:52:23 (last edited on 2005-03-09 09:53:16)

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