This thread inspired me to take some time jotting down various names that came to mind. You have been warned.
- Battery Bunny - A bunny in the spirit of the Energizer bunny that uses physical attacks, like Battery. Taunting a possibility?
- Metal Slug - I realize the copyright infringement possibilities, but a slug made of metal would be entertaining.
- Rain Deer - Water-based attacking deer.
- Fire ant - Self-explanatory and likely overused
- Bagel Hound - A cross between a Beagle and a Basset is known as a Bagle. This hound could dig up bagels to recover health.
- Mobi Duck - Playing off Moby Dick. Either a fast attacking duck or an extremely large one who's rampant featherings have taken innocent lives.
- Quack - Another duck type, crazy looking and relies on status attacks like Confuse or stat-reducers
- Troll - Big lout who throws insults trying to anger the characters, perhaps causing depression or rage status.
- Axel F - Bit of a stretch, but if a class of items were added known as axels, then naturally there must be Axel F. My first thought was axels were a makeshift spear weapon.
- Copper - A authoritative figure made out of or dressed primarily in copper.
- RoboCopper - Same as above, but a robot!
- Pron (or Pr0n) - An obscene crustacean, because children will learn one way or the other.
- Syntax - I'd like to see a mini-boss with this name. There could be allusions to him being a land lord of some kind that has outrageous taxes. His opening line would be "I am Syntax" in relation to Zelda's classic "I am Error".
Paxton's starting summons are Firefox, Iceweasel, Thunderbird, and Mozilla with Mozilla being a non-elemental attack.
Seamonkey - Perhaps a water based Summon?
Atomic Wedge
A hunk of cheese that has nuclear based attacks.
I like Atomic Wedgie better. The pun is right there right away, and its fun to think of this tiny slice of cheese with either astronomical attacks, or at least things like poisons and the like.
Hare-brained Scheme could be an attack by a group of rabbits which could be a %-age chance of instadeath for everyone on the board, party and monsters.
I want to make a pun out of that for Scheme language, but none come to mind
Peace Corpse - Several hippie zombies
First time I read it, I thought Piece Corpse and got a vision of a zombie corpse in pieces on the battlefield, each one getting an attack. Perhaps still in the hippie spirit
There's a couple I remember reading somewhere on the interwebz, so their qualification is a little questionable.
- A Frickin Elephant - Word play on African Elephant.
- Linoleum Blownapart - It's unoriginal, but makes me smile every time
- Deranged Cowboy - De-ranged...get it? Ok, maybe doesn't fit so well.
- Super Callused Fragile Mystic Hexed by Halitosis - Gandi joke, perhaps distasteful, and too long for a characters name. And yet it still made me lol.
And finally a couple I wanted to make work but couldn't. So I offer them for someone else to finish.
- Gambit pun- I thought of a character that always attacked first with some party-wide status effect (Slow, poison, etc). Perhaps a nod to the Marvel character.
- Mad Cow - However that one could work out. I remember worms had that one, so may be disqualified.
Yay for long posts!