Pun RPG Enemy Names (for Sully) Displaying 1-20 of 36 total.

Metro Gnome
Posted on 2010-11-21 16:32:25

Cat O'Blepas (an irish cat with lethal breath!)
Posted on 2010-11-21 17:44:29

Not Yeti
Posted on 2010-11-21 17:47:50

Skeletron, a robot skeleton that looks like the lovechild of Skeletor and Megatron.
Posted on 2010-11-23 09:11:11

THIS THREAD WAS MADE FOR ME. Probably literally.
Puns that are already in the game (not counting "Lord Stan," which everybody is intimately familiar with):
* Paxton's starting summons are Firefox, Iceweasel, Thunderbird, and Mozilla with Mozilla being a non-elemental attack.
* Galfrey's special techniques are known as Shake Spear. However, this is the actual origin of the name "Shakespeare," so it's actually a non-pun disguised as a pun.
* The Mediocre Jelly is the boss of the undersea cave
* The Mimic is a mime in a chest.
* Paxton's best weapon is the Croziest, which is presumably like a crozier but better.
* In addition to the Carrot Sword (which makes you immune to Blindness), the veggiesmith can also create Saladbolg, which is the other best sword.
* There's a staff that increases your defense, which is naturally called the Support Staff.
* Sara's ultimate weapon is Science!, which has a chance to add Blindness.
* The weakest enemy in the game, a lowly slime, is known as a Jelly Baby to distinguish it from the thousands of other slimes sure to appear. There's also a crab called Pinchinello.
* The best black magic spell is called Penultima. It's aptly named, since it's only the second-best attack spell in the game. The ultimate attack is the fuchsia magic spell Death Magenta, which is a name I think Grue came up with for the transparency colour in VERGE.
* The ultimate holy attack, on the other hand, is Neon Justice, named after the default theme on the old VERGE site.
* The Jive skill that charms all enemies, used by Bubba and Funk-Apprentice Dexter, is known as Male Bomb. I think this one was to Hyptosis' credit.
Puns that I plan to include but have yet to add:
* There's a fish enemy in the undersea cave, and I planned to call it a Sea Kitten. This is not really a pun, but whatever.
* FF6 had an invisible enemy called the Intangir. I was thinking of having one by the same name, but pure magenta. Too goofy?
* Speaking of FF6, it has an accessory called the "Offering" that lets you attack four times. I was planning on having Sancho (who has four arms) drop an item called the Awful Ring, which also lets you attack four times but automatically adds all stat-down debuffs. Nobody will actually get this joke but that is okay because it is a stealth pun whose name also makes sense if read literally!
* The cyborg clone of Paxton is called Haxton.
* These games always seem to have villainous dudes in spiky armour, so I figured we could call that enemy the Sharp-Dressed Man.
* I had this idea that the final dungeon (or at least a late dungeon) could have these Deviled Eggs that are red eggs with devil tails. They are easy to kill but summon allies, and if enough of them get together they combine to form the Albumination. However, the eggs drop pantyhose if defeated.
* The pantyhose has the item description "where my hose at"?
* The final dungeon will have several mid-bosses, and I wanted to make one of them Stan's lawyer, the Devil's Advocate.
* For Stan's final form (which I imagine being like Kefka's final form except his skin is red and his lower body is a tank), Last Stan.
Edit: "Fuchsia" is now spelled correctly.
Posted on 2010-11-25 06:12:41 (last edited on 2010-11-25 06:16:53)

...oh, I guess most of those weren't actual enemies. OH WELL.
Posted on 2010-11-25 06:20:28

That's okay, here's another pun that isn't an enemy (from IRC):
There is a thief character named Lance. One of the weapon classes is spear. We should allow the spear-wielding characters to equip Lance -- this would remove him from your party for combat, but add a steal (or something like that) to the spear-wielder's attack.
Oh yeah, and another enemy should be a cave toad called a Froglodyte.
Posted on 2010-11-25 08:07:56 (last edited on 2010-11-25 08:20:49)

(Gayo is right. This thread was literally made for him.)
Surly Crab is another palette-swap of the crab enemy, and is just a weak play on the game's eponymous Sully Clam.
The crab enemies will be pulled straight out of Hahn's original V1 battle system mock-up demo.
Posted on 2010-11-25 18:09:46

Oh, did Hahn make a crab sprite? Doh, I made one too (crab.png in the sprites dir. Oh well, we can have two crabs. And people will be like "why did they make two separate crab sprites when there are so many other things they could have worked on?" and we can be like "you don't appreciate our artistic vision."
Anyhow, I forgot the best and most important Sully pun, which Grue concocted. Near the end of the game there's a free-wandering part where you can choose your party, and there will be a Gogo-type "unexplained secret character" that you can get at this point in an optional side-dungeon. His class is Avatar and he can use almost all weapons and spells. The character's name is Mr. E, and this is obviously a pun in its own right, but it works on two levels, because the character is actually vecna, who really is a "Mr. E".
Posted on 2010-11-29 04:26:22

Incidentally, I was thinking that one of the rabbit-type enemies can summon allies with a skill called Mo' Bunny, Mo' Problems.
I actually filled half a page with rabbit pun brainstorming, but you don't want to see most of them. Though I think "Hired Bun" could work.
Posted on 2010-11-29 04:27:38

Thinking again of the enemy types we already have sprites for:
* The standard seems to be for slime types to be called "jellies", and there are probably more "jelly" puns than we even need slime types. A green one could be Mint Jelly, a black one could be Petroleum Jelly, et cetera.
* I made a mole enemy for the sand cave, so I was thinking of calling it Mole-ster unless something better occurred to me (maybe a "dig" pun?).
* Thinking of some sort of Piranha/paranoid pun for the fish. "Pirahnoid" might not be clear enough?
* For skeletons, I'm thinking we may want one just called "Skeleton," but for palette swaps there's probably something we can do with "bone." Bone Ranger, Bone Drone, whatever. I was thinking they could have an attack where they hurl a bone at someone and we could call it Throw Me A Bone or Bone of Contention.
* The guardian of the cyclops temple is the King of the Blind.
Posted on 2010-12-01 01:53:14 (last edited on 2010-12-01 01:53:51)

Incidentally, I was thinking that one of the rabbit-type enemies can summon allies with a skill called Mo' Bunny, Mo' Problems.
I actually filled half a page with rabbit pun brainstorming, but you don't want to see most of them. Though I think "Hired Bun" could work.
Hare-brained Scheme could be an attack by a group of rabbits which could be a %-age chance of instadeath for everyone on the board, party and monsters.
Posted on 2010-12-05 21:08:44

* I made a mole enemy for the sand cave, so I was thinking of calling it Mole-ster unless something better occurred to me (maybe a "dig" pun?).
If that does make it in they could (with low chance) drop a piece of equipment called the Mole-stache: only equippable by male characters, +15 to creepiness.
Posted on 2010-12-05 21:13:15

Incidentally, I was thinking that one of the rabbit-type enemies can summon allies with a skill called Mo' Bunny, Mo' Problems.
I actually filled half a page with rabbit pun brainstorming, but you don't want to see most of them. Though I think "Hired Bun" could work.
Hare-brained Scheme could be an attack by a group of rabbits which could be a %-age chance of instadeath for everyone on the board, party and monsters.
Hare-brained scheme should have a rabbit sending a letter to a random other battle participant, and so on, and so on, until the last one left is killed.
Posted on 2010-12-06 01:12:38

You're fired.
Posted on 2010-12-08 02:37:45

Heavy Cannon:
"This cannon is made with extra deuterium. For that reason it is also called the 'deuterocannon.'"
Posted on 2010-12-09 09:19:54

A robot made out of other robots made out of other robots: Mandlebot.
Posted on 2010-12-11 21:42:04

Another weapon in the "spear" class should be the Ambu Lance, which functions like the heal rod in that its attacks heal damage instead of inflicting it.
Posted on 2010-12-24 10:03:11

Peace Corpse - Several hippie zombies
Posted on 2011-01-11 01:10:13

Ladies Mannequin - Kael came up with this
Snobgoblin - play on hobgoblin, rich goblin, uppity nose and monocle
Aberzombie and Fitch..Bitch? Stitch?
The Laggin Dragon - Never attacks, or waits and then does like 20 attacks all at once.
Pimp Imp
Chimp Imp
Imp Blimp
The Skid Squid - Squid on a motorcycle, cause that shit would be badass
Dinowhore - D:
Dinosnore- Zzz
The Full Moon Raccoon - Naked raccoon of course
Hewn Baboon - Half of a pissed off baboon, later maybe you'd fight his other half. It wasn't so upset about the separation though.
Posted on 2011-01-11 03:04:16
Displaying 1-20 of 36 total.