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Radiant Silvergun is mine!...
I just can't play it...yet...

Posted on 2004-08-22 22:15:33


No clue, but if they aren't, I'm not interested.

Fun Fact: I have used a picture of Nicole as my avatar in the past, and strongly considered doing so here.

Posted on 2004-08-22 22:44:48 (last edited on 2004-08-22 22:45:28)


Well, I got a converter cartridge and started playing Radiant Silvergun...

I really, really like it. I won't say it's the best game ever made (I'm not sure what the best game ever made anymore is...sigh...) but RS is great in my opinion.

I do wish, however, that I didn't have to put myself out of near $200 for it. No regret, but if at some point in the future, I ever sell my Saturn stuff back on Ebay, I'll give RS a decent Buy It Now price, perhaps. You shouldn't have to pay $200 to play a good game like this.

Though, I might be greedy...

Posted on 2004-08-29 21:45:55


Gotten Shining Force III yet?

Posted on 2004-08-31 04:24:12


No. After I shelled out $200 for Radiant Silvergun, my parents said I couldn't buy anything anymore.

But as I soon as I get their permisson and/or get out of the house, I plan on looking into House of the Dead, and the Panzer series, though probably not Saga, which is another seemingly ridiculous high-priced one.

Posted on 2004-08-31 14:52:53


If people had bought these games in the first place they wouldn't be so difficult to get hold of now... Everyone who didn't buy a Saturn should be ashamed. Which is exactly how I feel. :(

Same goes for the Dreamcast... it should never have died so prematurely... But I'm responsible for the purchase of two of those, and bought games right up until they stopped appearing (well, almost). so I have no shame there. :)

Posted on 2004-08-31 19:31:22


A Dreamcast supporter! Amen, true believer!

Eh, you can get a good Saturn deal for less than $50, with a decent game or two as well.

One of the better deals was a Saturn, with memory/RAM expansion/region converter cartridge, and games like Radiant Silvergun, Silhouette Mirage, and Darius Gaiden, for a flat $200.

I think it's gone now, but if I had just gotten that, I could have saved a lot of money as compared to approx. $150 for Saturn, games, controllers, and accessories + $200 for Silvergun and Silhouette.

Posted on 2004-08-31 19:41:09


Hey, I've never been a big console fan, but I bought every sega console starting with the Master System, except for the Saturn. I did by Panzer Dragoon Saga (along with the first two) on EBay for like $100 or something back in the day, so that should count instead of the Saturn.

Anyway, the only console that I even remotely support now is the X-Box, cause it's just like the Dreamcast 2, minus the cool controller screens.

Posted on 2004-08-31 20:01:40


I thought about that. It seems like the Xbox is inheriting the status of "cult-unusual" console, with a lot of different, unique games on it and of course Panzer Dragoon Orta.

But then, the GameCube is much more in the spirit of the Dreamcast, I think--not so much a PC replacement with DVD capability and hard drives as just an excuse to break out a controller and have a good time.

But Sega was big on new technology, and the Dreamcast might have been envisioned as more of a cutting-edge multimedia system than a mere gaming box. I dunno which one they'd say is more in their design philosophy.

Posted on 2004-08-31 20:09:03

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