The very worst pain imaginable
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Yes sounds good.. Next time I'm at the doctor's I'm gonna try that. Consider me corrupted.

Anyway I know the worst pain imaginable:

Eating Doritos while having a hole in the tooth when you need to pass a kidney stone and are due for labor in 2 minutes.

Posted on 2008-06-12 17:41:19


A few years ago I pulled my shoulder. The best part was when Chuck (aen) found me crawling on the ground, he didn't realize what had happened, so he basically just pointed and laughed at me.

It was, though, incredibly painful. Probably not as painful as kidney stones passing through my urethra, but the most pain I've ever experienced.

When they finally got around to resetting my shoulder, they gave me some drug that kept my conscious, but made it so I would not be able to remember what would happen. They also warned me that I may say weird things when I was on the drug, but I wouldn't remember them.

So, when it happened, all I remember is asking them if my shoulder was back in place and them saying yes. I asked them, "did I say anything weird?" and they said "no". Behind them, though, my buddy was nodding "YES"

Apparently I went on an anti-abortion rant. I blame the morphine.

Posted on 2009-01-22 10:01:42


Quote:Originally posted by loretian

Take a small glass tube, shove it up your urethra, and then crush the tube inside your penis.

Take your balls, lay them on a tree stump, and then smash them with a hammer.

Anyone else?

Done it. I found the sensations rather pleasurable.

Also, why the hell are we posting in a thread that hasn't had anything posted in it for two years?

Posted on 2009-02-05 18:01:37

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