Two minutes hate
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Quote:Originally posted by Khross

Also, Stargate: SG-1 is alright if you like hokey space drama that's always resolved in half an hour with plenty of platonic sexual tension between two of the main characters.

I'm not that huge a fan, it's just that the TV channel that airs it over here sticks it in a timeslot that defies belief. I swear, if Firefly gets a terestrial viewing over here and Channel 4 give Vernon Kay the opportunity to needlessly berate it in the most ignorant, insulting and idiotic manner possible I will personally wrench one of his legs off and beat him to death with it.

Posted on 2005-02-15 04:02:34


Firefly :(

Posted on 2005-02-15 09:07:13


Fifteen minutes of greatness, fifteen years off your total lifespan.

Someone's not a believer. I can't believe they got rid of the Chili Cheese Thickburger. The thickburgers in general are okay, but the CCT itself was so superb I can't believe it's no longer there. In any other case I'd tell my friends to try their Chili Cheese Thickburgers. Now, it's just 'well, thickburgers are good.' But the CCT was brilliant. Man. Such a disappointment.

Posted on 2005-02-15 10:08:57


mmmmmmm im liking the sound of the chilli cheese thickburger, i love HOT food, sometimes when im really bored i get those mini pizzas (about four) and put a load of 'He who dares burns' sauce on them yummy, however you do get a slight stabbing pain in the chest about 40 mins later. Interference22 can varify how hot that sauce is! man its hot! if you can get some and try it. £3.00 at any superstore!

Posted on 2005-02-15 11:44:41

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