Two minutes hate
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Hate anything in this wonderous world of ours? Feel the need to shake your fist in rage at the sky? COMMENCE THE TWO MINUTES HATE.

I'll start with an easy one, President Bush Junior: Dude, you're a stupid, spoiled ivy league prick and it stopped being funny when you started sending people to an early grave. You called Kerry wishy-washy while you and your asshole friends change the reason for your little Iraqi adventure whenever it's conveniant-- and what really pisses me off is that it never fails to work because the American people are all a bunch of slack-jawed idiots too busy watching The O.C. to notice. Just drop 'moral values' in any conversation and the Midwest states suck your figurative cock. Well fuck you, fuck your values, and fuck your god.

PETA: Crazy assholes. Yeah, animals should be treated kindly, but that doesn't mean you should suicide-bomb a fucking pound. Stop airing commercials. Just fucking stop. They're annoying, misleading, and not helping anyone. People have been using drugs since the dawn of civilization because they love the feeling; showing some high asshole missing a goddamn birthday party or the school swim meet isn't going to sway anyone away from a few hours of unearthly bliss for twenty bucks. Try airing Requiem for a Dream instead-- but that movie won't help you in your crusade against pot, so I expect to see a commercial soon about how marijuana will make you attempt to eat an entire cake in one gulp and the lit candles will set your stomach on fire or something. I didn't think commercials could get any more annoying than freevibe, but I was wrong. You dicks make me want to chain smoke an entire pack and ash in the face of any asshole dressed up like a circus ringleader that tries to stop me. You aren't cool, shut up. Shouting through a bullhorn at some random, unmarked building in New York isn't doing anything except annoying the temps in the lobby. No tobacco company forces you to smoke, they provide a service and fuck you for villifying them. Everyone dies some time, and smokers know the risks now. Also, I wish smokes were handed out in ice cream trucks, I'd save me the time of going to the gas station.

Michael Jackson: What the happened to you, man? The Jackson Five was pretty cool, then you turned into a goddamn weirdo. The only thing I hate more than you are your stupid, overly zealous fans camping outside your cell and offering animal sacrifice so that your mutilated nose might grant them a wish or whatever. I don't think there's anything else that hasn't been said about Michael Jackson I could mock, so I'll just say enjoy prison, asshole.

Ashlee Simpson: You're a talentless hack with a shitty TV show and an even shittier band and I hate you. I can't blame you for trying to co-opt the gravy train, but fuck. Why do people eat up that pseudo-punk bullshit. I hope you join the Peace Core like an idiot and get shot in Somalia or something so I can watch 'Pimp My Ride' in peace.

Jessica Simpson: I hate you too for the same reasons. And you're not even that hot. Lose some weight, bitch.

Axl Rose & Trent Reznor: Release your new albums already. Fuck.

Keanu Reeves: Stop making movies. Go out with the Matrix and leave the world in peace. I mean, seriously-- Constantine? What the fuck?

Hollywood: Enough shitty horror movies. We get it. Why don't you assholes take a few million dollars out of the visual effects fund and come up with a decent script.

Hmm. That's all I can think of right now.

Posted on 2005-02-05 11:18:30 (last edited on 2005-02-05 11:44:11)


Hey now. Constantine looks pretty spiffy. I'll probably go see it, since I don't quite dislike the Matrix too badly. The activities of PETA are also somewhat disturbing. (...I thought they were spelled PITA...)

So, how about this for some hatred?

Why does Windows still suck?

I thought that was a mildly interesting read. Reminded me of my attempts to work with Linux a while back.

Posted on 2005-02-05 12:24:44


That article's very convincing except that I own a Windows and I have had barely, if any, problems with it so far.
Maybe I'm just special.

Posted on 2005-02-05 15:13:34


Yeah, I understand that. My XP laptop does pretty well.

But, that's only because I actually know something about computers, I think. I feel sorry for the desktop at our house. It went downhill the day I left for college. No clue how much garbage got into that thing. And then Dad told my little brothers they had to use Internet Explorer rather than Firefox, because Firefox doesn't have parental security built in.

I do think it's a shame computers can't just 'work right' for people who aren't willing, or can't afford, to spend their time learning how to give them enough maintenance (because I do think that even if you're not a system administrator it takes a bit of maintenance to keep a home machine in top shape). It just takes too much time for the average middle-aged adult to learn to be a competent computer user, unless that's a particular passion or hobby they have.

That's just my opinion though. My mom still doesn't know how to create shortcuts, and we've had a windows PC for the last ten years, nearly. It's a shame that when they do need to use it for something simple, a neglected machine that requires high maintenance begins to perform subpar on even elementary tasks. Though, as I think the_speed_bump said to me once, XP and 2K are at least a far cry more stabler than the Windows95 and 98 generation.

(though I get a good clean feeling whenever I put a simple, empty Win95 install on one of my old computers).

Posted on 2005-02-05 17:52:11


macs are better, but it's dumb to use them. pcs are expandable. universal standard is good. you can't run shit on macs. and compatibility. directx. balls

Posted on 2005-02-06 17:28:34



using namespace std;

vector<bool> hate;

for(int i=0;i<i+1;i++)
hate[i] = true;

Posted on 2005-02-06 19:30:26


Channel 4 (UK TV channel):

Why the fuck are you airing sci-fi TV shows every weekend in that bloody 'E4' slot? Why are you subjecting those of us who actually like a little Stargate: SG1 to a bunch of asshole TV presenters who plainly think that anyone who enjoys it are a bunch of whiny, retentive losers? Don't make me hate Vernon *fucking* Kay more that I already loathe and despise the motherfucker.

Posted on 2005-02-07 04:25:16


I.... am... angry!!!! >:O

Posted on 2005-02-07 13:20:34 (last edited on 2005-02-07 13:20:35)


McDonald's: Your food sucks. I hope your company dies along with all the obese people who became fat eating at your 'restaraunts'.

Rise of the Robots (SNES): I wish to burn all copies of this game. It is horrid and shitty.

Reboot (Playstation): Likewise.

Posted on 2005-02-07 19:16:44


Don't get me started on McDonalds. I'd hate it even more if I was a Communist, since it's finest representation of everything that's wrong with western society. Grr.

Posted on 2005-02-08 03:18:57


Mc Donalds does indeed suck but hey subway rocks so just stop worying about Mc donalds and watch the people in there slowly die a painful death as you skip happlily by towards a subway!

PS wrote this when i was highly stressed

Posted on 2005-02-08 06:24:13


It's always been a mystery to me how McDonald's stays in business when you could just raid the dumpster of the local dog food company for free. GO FIGURE.

Posted on 2005-02-08 21:08:37


Quote:Originally posted by Thebrog

Mc Donalds does indeed suck but hey subway rocks so just stop worying about Mc donalds and watch the people in there slowly die a painful death as you skip happlily by towards a subway!

PS wrote this when i was highly stressed

Quizno's is better.

Posted on 2005-02-10 17:33:57


Hmmm never heard of quinzo's what they like?

Posted on 2005-02-11 10:51:26


I kind of like McDonald's food. But only because I think fast food hamburgers should be as greasy and disgusting as humanly possible. I mean, it's fast food! It's supposed to be grossly fatting slop! Even still, I kind of prefer Burger King or Wendy’s. But I don't eat fast food that often really. I have about 50 real restaurants within a few blocks of my house I can go to eat at if I wanted and that’s usually a better option.

What I DO hate about McDonald's is how they got all 'urban' on everyone. When will people learn that so-called 'urban' couture is complete bullshit. I hate hip-hop, I hate rap, I hate the entire thing. But more then that I hate it when they water it down into advertising crap.

Also, and this might strike a nerve, but why the hell do people like Stargate SG-1 so damn much? I mean conceptually it's neat, but the writing and acting is so bad I can't stand to watch it. Now Farscape, that's an awesome show.

Posted on 2005-02-11 11:32:20


Some day I hope to stop eating out and actually buy groceries and make my own food. I bet I could save a lot of money that way...

But my policy on fast food is: If I have one fast food meal, it's the only meal I'll eat that day, not counting booze. That way my meal is actually saving me calories in the long run, and I can splurge on steak and ice cream the next motherfuckin' day.

Posted on 2005-02-11 14:44:18


Quote:Originally posted by Thebrog

Hmmm never heard of quinzo's what they like?

Quizno's Subs is like...
Can't explain.
Just,... find one and... get a Chicken Carbonara and a cup of clam chowder for $7.77


Posted on 2005-02-11 16:54:26


I also happen to be a big fan of McAlister's Deli myself.

And Hardees thickburgers. The 'Chili Cheese Thickburger' was bloody awesome. Bummer they discontinued them. So what if your chest hurt for two hours after you ate one of them? You really enjoyed the fifteen minutes of greatness. That was a MEAL.

Posted on 2005-02-11 17:45:29


Fifteen minutes of greatness, fifteen years off your total lifespan.

Posted on 2005-02-14 04:12:11


My only issue with Quizno's is how expensive it is. But it is great food.

Quote:Originally posted by KilloZapit

I kind of like McDonald's food. But only because I think fast food hamburgers should be as greasy and disgusting as humanly possible. I mean, it's fast food! It's supposed to be grossly fatting slop! Even still, I kind of prefer Burger King or Wendy’s. But I don't eat fast food that often really. I have about 50 real restaurants within a few blocks of my house I can go to eat at if I wanted and that’s usually a better option.

I love my hamburgers as greasy and rife with heart disease as the next red blooded American, but McDonald's tastes like it was passed through the bowels of another cow in addition to the original slaughtered cow. My friends and I got McDonald's one night during a temporary lapse of judgement; I took one bite out of a cheeseburger and immediatly spat it out. And I was fucking stoned. That's how bad it was.

Also, Stargate: SG-1 is alright if you like hokey space drama that's always resolved in half an hour with plenty of platonic sexual tension between two of the main characters.

Posted on 2005-02-14 20:10:43 (last edited on 2005-02-14 20:18:52)

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