Worst Games Ever
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Terminus was cool, but the realistic flight mechanics got boring really fast. Any long term space sim like that should have a hundred thousand more features, just to keep the player interested.

Freelancer started out really cool, addictive even. I used to really like it, being an old Escape Velocity fan and all, but the ending really lamed it up :(. Although the opening was cool and all, it ha nothing at all to do with the story. Why bother with it, then?

Halo was cool. I really enjoyed it.

Star Wars: KOTOR: It seemed okay to start off, but it got REALLY boring really fast. The characters were anything but customizable. It was the Neverwinter Nights ecgine, but with all the good stuff yanked out :P

Hentai Raiders 6: Angel's Panties: MORE PRON PLEAZSZ!!!! :D

Absolute Favorite games: Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6, Final Fantasy 8, Chrono Cross, Front Mission, Shadowrunner (paper and pencil game), and the first three disks of FF9.

Posted on 2004-10-18 19:22:26


Things considered good, but not: Sim City 3000, Animal crossing, Windows Media Player 10.

Forgotten classic: Space Station Silicon Valley.

Posted on 2004-10-18 23:32:19


Quote:Originally posted by Alex

Things considered good, but not: Sim City 3000

You're kidding, right? I just paid $10 to buy this game from a bargain bin. Haven't even installed it yet. Damnit.

Posted on 2004-10-19 00:15:25


Quote:Originally posted by Alex

Things considered good, but not: Sim City 3000, Animal crossing, Windows Media Player 10.

Sim City 3000 and Animal Crossing are both very entertaining (for a while) as long as you approach them with the point of view of a toy, rather than as a game. You play with them, instead of playing them.

And who the hell thinks Windows Media Player anything is good? o_O

Posted on 2004-10-19 00:51:04 (last edited on 2004-10-19 01:10:29)


I will not hear a bad thing said about Animal Crossing. That game is great fun, just so long as you pace it right. Play it once every morning and a bit at night. You'll find the hours just while away fishing.

Posted on 2004-10-19 12:24:10


Sim City 3000 is, I suppose, OK if you're prepared to put the time in. But the developers apparently thought that taking the original Sim City and adding better graphics, loads of extra overly-complicated stuff, and no proper printed instruction book was going to make it more fun. Still, my copy only cost me £4.99, so I can't complain too much.

Quote:Originally posted by Kildorf

And who the hell thinks Windows Media Player anything is good? o_O

I did!... until it started randomly changing various tags including track names and orders. And then doing it again when I changed them back. Apparently it's a bug which was reported when the MP9 beta was released (however many years ago that was), but never fixed, so obviously considered a useful and/or vital feature by Microsoft. But it's still ten times better than winamp, so I have no choice but to use it. :(

Posted on 2004-10-19 18:13:41


Er...what's wrong with Winamp here?

Posted on 2004-10-19 18:56:14


I'd like to nominate Donkey Kong 64 for one of the worst games ever. Because we all know how fun it is to traverse the same level 6 times so that you can get all the different colored bananas and tokens and whatever the fuck else they make you collect.

Posted on 2004-10-20 18:08:27


I'd nominate damn near all of the n64 games. And the n64 itself.

Posted on 2004-10-20 20:00:03


Quote:Originally posted by evilbob

I'd nominate damn near all of the n64 games. And the n64 itself.

But... Ocarina of Time! D:

Posted on 2004-10-20 20:20:39


Quote:Originally posted by evilbob

I'd nominate damn near all of the n64 games. And the n64 itself.

The N64 is the least brilliant of all the Nintendo consoles but there is NO way all the games for it were crap. At the very least, Goldeneye practically reinvented the console FPS, Mario 64 was platforming joy and Ocarina was damn near the best Zelda ever.

Posted on 2004-10-21 16:16:10


Quote:Originally posted by evilbob

I'd nominate

damn near

all of the n64 games. And the n64 itself.

Posted on 2004-10-22 06:11:43


This is, however, not to say that any of the aforementioned n64 games were all that great. Ocarina was better than Zelda2, but inferior to Zelda 1, 3, or imo, Wind Waker. I didn't play Mario 64. Goldeneye was a decent shooter, but hardly worth gushing over.

Posted on 2004-10-22 06:16:20


Goldeneye was pretty defining but I too can't realy see anything that particularly great about it any more. Despite that, it's influence has had quite an effect on the evolution of the FPS.

Zelda 1 was good for it's time but OoT is the better game by today's standards. Wind Waker, though, was shorter but even more of a masterpiece: the ending - and the slow reveal of the rest of the story itself - actually had some emotional impact, something the Zelda series hasn't really managed to do for quite some time. The cell shading also gives it extra points for having the balls to try it in the first place.

Posted on 2004-10-22 09:49:50

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