Worst Games Ever
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Go on, vent your frustration on the worst games and gaming moments you've ever experienced. You'll feel better for it. Here are some of mine:-

Worst games:

* Starfox Adventures (GC): just completed this and never has a good game been quite this bad. Rare really have gone to shit. It looks very nice but is the most frustrating, irritating, monotonous roller-coaster ride of pure stupidity I have EVER played from start to finish. This bastard, in all it's time-limited puzzles and unskippable cutscene crapulence had me screaming at the TV set and punching inanimate objects until I couldn't feel my knuckles.

* Devastation (PC): another good looker that starts well before rapidly descending into stupidity and a plot that makes no sense at the best of times. Shoot never-ending streams of bad guys until either your brain or your mouse gives out. Contend with the stupidest sidekick AI in living memory. Take part in a boss battle that not only lasts for what seems like an eternity but also gives you no indication of how well you're doing until you actually kill the guy. Joy!

* Hitman: Codename 47: potentially great, ruined by lack of any saves whatsoever, fundamental flaws in level design (a mission must be failed multiple times to gather enough information to pull it off sucessfully) and a draw distance that means the enemy can see you but you can't see them even though you SHOULD. The AI is also annoying to the extremes, shooting at you sometimes for what seems like no reason at all. The result? My family now avoid me whenever I start playing, as I'm seen regularly punching the monitor in blind frustration and throwing things. This game provokes the sort of emotions that drive people to arson.

Worst gaming moments:

* Half-Life's Xen (PC): what the HELL were Valve THINKING? You play though a game that's pretty much wall-to-wall brilliant and the finale is the greatest heap of crap since the last Jerry Bruckheimer film. Annoying, incoherent, unnecessarily confusing and regularly lapsing into the annoying and directionless. Wargh!

* The volcano island in Farcry (PC): get dumped with no weapons on a deathtrap full of mutants! Have the shit blow out of you in every conceivable way! Get rocketed in the face at random! WHY?! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY?!

* Snowy Bridge level, Painkiller (PC): fight wave after wave of ninjas while having little or no control over your movement on an ice-covered bridge! Get beaten senseless hundreds of times over! WHY?! GOD, WHY?!!

* Body of the Many, System Shock 2: what better way to round up a game than by assaulting the player from all sides, hitting him with enough enemies to kill a small army and STILL requiring him to shoot down moving targets and swim through radioactive slime. HOW?! HOW COULD THIS LEVEL POSSIBLY EXIST IN SUCH A BRILLIANT GAME?!?!! HOW, DAMN YOU?!

Posted on 2004-08-18 23:07:11


sToP PLaYinG GaMZ aNd FiNisH



Posted on 2004-08-18 23:11:37


Terminator 3... never heard of it? Thats because it sucked.
T3 gets a rating of 2 thumbs down

Posted on 2004-08-18 23:21:37


Quote:Originally posted by Zip

sToP PLaYinG GaMZ aNd FiNisH



Shit. Spotted!

It was... er, research, sir... Uh... Look! Three-headed monkey!


Uh.. oh. This is the bit where I'm supposed to run away now. Damn.

Posted on 2004-08-18 23:21:46


Good, now I don't feel so bad about not working on any music for you. Er... Ehh... Have you found a safe spot away from zip yet? ;_;

Posted on 2004-08-18 23:35:55


Worst gaming moment (but not the game's fault): when I had been playing Morrowind for about six hours or something without saving. Then I unthinkingly unplugged my Xbox in order to plug in the toaster... terminal stupidity will be the death of me...

Posted on 2004-08-18 23:59:39


Quote:Originally posted by Alex

Worst gaming moment (but not the game's fault): when I had been playing Morrowind for about six hours or something without saving. Then I unthinkingly unplugged my Xbox in order to plug in the toaster... terminal stupidity will be the death of me...

Ouch! I uninstalled Farcry, reinstalled it and then found it had wiped my saves, RIGHT NEAR THE END! Nearly finished and now I have to start AGAIN!

Red Faction also has a bug in it whereby if you save on the train while it's moving and then load, you fall through the floor and are crushed to death. With only one save and this happening, I was NOT happy - it's two thirds through the game! I did that TWICE! I nearly CRIED.

Posted on 2004-08-19 00:32:42


One of my worst gaming moments was beating Karnov on the NES well over a decade ago and getting a crappy "Congratulations" screen with brief, crappy music to accompany it. One of the worst endings ever, even for a NES game.

Posted on 2004-08-19 00:43:48


Quote:Originally posted by Interference22

Go on, vent your frustration on the worst games and gaming moments you've ever experienced. You'll feel better for it. Here are some of mine:-

Worst games:

* Starfox Adventures (GC): just completed this and never has a good game been quite this bad. Rare really have gone to shit. It looks very nice but is the most frustrating, irritating, monotonous roller-coaster ride of pure stupidity I have EVER played from start to finish. This bastard, in all it's time-limited puzzles and unskippable cutscene crapulence had me screaming at the TV set and punching inanimate objects until I couldn't feel my knuckles.

I have a quote on bash.org that basically sums up my Starfox Adventures experience:

<Toen> With Starfox Adventures, Rare redefined fun.
<Toen> Fun (adj.) 1: Not fun.

Posted on 2004-08-19 08:55:29


The game I hate most of all is Wizards and Warriors 3, an NES game that I played far too much given its shittiness. Now, most of you have probably played Wizards and Warriors 1 and 2, which are good. 3 is not good. And that's all I have to say about that.

Let's see, other crap. Most of the bad games I played were back in the day, since I'm much more careful now. I played so many awful NES games: Hydlide, Heroes of the Lance, Athena...

Posted on 2004-08-19 19:04:23


My most painfull gaming moment in recent memory is Arsenal Gear from Metal Gear Solid 2. Lets see, take all your weapons and items, limit your abilities to punching, and make you figure out how to sneak past the hardest enemies in the game.

That said Arsenal Gear is the only part of MGS2 where I listen to the codecs

Posted on 2004-08-19 22:34:20


I still get the odd teriblle game because:

A: They're usually cheap and I have nothing betetr to do
B: It really makes you appreciate the good ones
C: I can comfortably write a long rant on exactly how bad it is. If you can't have a bloody good complain once in a while, what CAN you do, eh?

Posted on 2004-08-19 23:40:19



Posted on 2004-08-20 09:35:17


Quote:Originally posted by Interference22

I still get the odd teriblle game because:


Posted on 2004-08-20 09:39:28


Quote:Originally posted by Zip

Quote:Originally posted by Interference22

I still get the odd teriblle game because:


Why is it that Zip works in a bar, when clearly he should be a highly-paid psychologist specializing in motivational counselling...?

Posted on 2004-08-20 13:10:49


Mwahahaha... :cry:


Posted on 2004-08-20 14:45:40


Surely Zip should be a secondary school teacher? Business studies?

"Learn, damn you! Do I have to SPELL IT OUT?! ...Oh, wait a minute, actually that's exactly what.. Er, GET BACK TO WORK!"

Posted on 2004-08-20 23:17:21


Ohhhhhhhhhhh....Zip faked the quote.......I get it now......

Posted on 2004-08-21 00:14:09


Quote:Originally posted by Ness

I once played through the whole of Metroid Prime with my head in a litter bin once. I run my Gamecube under the raw power of six thousand potatoes and enough wire and electrodes to put the national grid to shame. I also like ferrets.


Posted on 2004-08-21 00:32:24


You know, I think I always felt that way about the Body of the Many as well, but could never bring myself to admit it until you just said it. ;_;

Posted on 2004-08-21 17:52:55

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