Horing myself out
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I've been following verge for years, and have worked on several projects that never came to see light. It was actually a picture i saw on the old forum that inspired me to start tinkering around 3d modeling. I found out that i have quite a nack for it, and i'm going to start college level courses for animation in a few days. Anyway, I was thinking that i'd like to commit myself to some product of creativity. I would really like to help someone who was serious about creating a game. when I say help, what I mean is that I'd like to produce some 3d imagery for a game in the making. I've got a gallery of images of things i've already rendered, and a million other models that i didn't bother to make a final render image of.

right... so... now ur gonna ask if i've got a website or something so u can see them all... no i don't... i dont' know why... i just dont, ok? :P hopefully, i'm gonna figure out how the hell you post an image in this... so... if there is one... cool... feel free to tell me what you think. if you want to see some more pictures, tell me how the hell you post them, or sent me an email, or message me on msn. I love to chat so, message me anytime. (can't you tell) I'm still totally novice at all this so, any technical info would be appreciated.

I've been experimenting w/ a whole slew of different programs. it seems like each one of them has their own niche or speciality. Somehow, the program that i've like the most is Rhinoceros 3d. It's a technical program ment for engineering i think, but it's the easiest for me to use. so, i normally model every thing in rhino, and then tinker with it in other programs. (ie bryce, 3dstudiomax, maya, lightwave) anyway... that's a whole different subject. where i was actually going w/ this huge paragraph is that i can model any ammount of architecture, but i'm still getting the hang of organic objects... trees, plants, humans, dogs, etc don't seem to be possible to reproduce realisticly in rhino... no supports for volumetric materiels and... blah blah... nevermind... point is that i can make any number of pre rendered scenes that could b used as maps (ala final fantasy7,8, resident evil) but i dont' think that i could make acceptable character models.

so, I think you have to have a website to reference the image from... damn...


(60 min or so later)

all this to find a creative outlet... hmph...

I drew this at work on a yellow sticky w/ a bic pen... it came out pretty good :D

anyway, that's a big post and a lot of pictures... i have this feeling that i prolly broke some posting rules somewhere.

btw i built a super ghetto website so i could post the pictures it has a lot more, but i thought i'd already gone overboard for one post.


(edit: fixed all the tags, you left out the src='s. -Grue)
(edit again: ha! And it looks like Tripod doesn't allow remote linking. -Grue again)

Posted on 2004-08-26 21:37:01 (last edited on 2004-08-26 21:42:55)


I appreciate the help.

although i still don't understand the image stuff, i guess it doesn't matter since tripod doesn't want to share :(

Posted on 2004-08-26 22:43:29


Grue! Where are you now to delete these double posts :D

That's some nice stuff. I'm sure there's someone around here that wouldn't mind some cool 3d backdrops, and I know I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more 2d art, that sketch looked promising.

Posted on 2004-08-26 23:47:31


Nice start, cronoodle. I have a keen interest in 3d art and am myself an amateur. I'm currently taking a Computer Aided Design course. Here are a couple of my very own renders from the dark depths of my HD.

I use 3DS Max to work with and no - if Zip is reading this - I'm not doing 3D stuff at the moment instead of making Parallel 7!

Something relating to my favourite TV show (untextured):

My last attempt at trying to do a human body. I've since done a much better HEAD but need more practice with bodies:

Spaceships. They're great:

Crappy Uni work animation thingy:

Note my trademark use of pink as a base colour :-).

Also, if you're having trouble with image hosting then try photobucket.com - they provide image hosting for free and they rock.

Well, welcome to the community and let's hope your art skills are given the opportunity to flourish in the best possible way. I'm eager to see more of your art !

Posted on 2004-08-27 00:40:13 (last edited on 2004-08-27 00:42:39)


Wow... i like ur 3d models. i'm guessing that ur using polygonal models and not nurbs. isn't it wierd how the different programs can make the same project or scene look totally different?

as far as the site goes, later when i'm not on dial up, i'll actuallly do a decent job w/ it. and i'll give that photobucket site a try. thanks for the help

have you messed with the material editor in 3ds much? since i'm self taught, it took me a while to figure out what was going on... 3ds has a waaay more in depth material system than rhino. the only real reason that i like rhino is because it reminds me a lot of the half life level editor... i can make some pretty complicated geometry really quickly... so long as it's not landscape

Posted on 2004-08-27 01:55:52


This seems like the right thread to pimp out my favorite 3D rendering program - POV-Ray!

Not only is it freeware, but it uses a text-based interface that should seem very easy to us Verge-users.

Posted on 2004-08-27 15:01:17


Good stuff, but it seems less that you're whoring yourself out, and more that you#re pimping your girlfirend... or at any rate I hope that lass in her underwear at least knows you.

On a side note, I have found Imageshack to be very useful for uploading pictures intended for remote linkage.


Posted on 2004-08-27 16:56:23


Cronoodle, me and 3DS Max are now very good friends. I used to hate it with a passion but perseverence and a lot of tutorials have taught me to love it.

I know a great deal about the materials editor now, although it took me a while to fully appreciate the proper way of applying multiple textures to a single mesh.

I pretty much use polygons exclusively, shying away from NURBS and the like, since I plan on taking up computer games artistry as a career.

I've dabbled in importing stuff into the Unreal engine a few times, via static meshes and things. Well, I say dabbled... What I actually mean is tried to replicate Medscience 1 from System Shock 2 in UT2004. I shit you not:

The project is currently on hold, so don't ask for the map ;-).

And yes, we all hope you KNOW that girl in the underwear.

Posted on 2004-08-27 23:04:08


Interference, that is very cool. 3D P7 please!

But bloody hell, if I knew every girl I'd ever seen in her underwear I'd have a very full address book indeed. :P

Cronoodle: you mentioned Lightwave... I remember this being a very high-end rendering prog for the Amiga around the mid 90s... Is it still in development for PC now, or do you use an old version, or is it a different programme altogether? :\

Posted on 2004-08-27 23:38:31


Quote:Originally posted by Alex

Interference, that is very cool. 3D P7 please!

But bloody hell, if I knew every girl I'd ever seen in her underwear I'd have a very full address book indeed. :P

Cronoodle: you mentioned Lightwave... I remember this being a very high-end rendering prog for the Amiga around the mid 90s... Is it still in development for PC now, or do you use an old version, or is it a different programme altogether? :\

I know you say that in jest, but once it's done I may very well do a UT2004 level of some of the P7 areas. The idea is an... interesting one...

Posted on 2004-08-28 00:01:54


I've never actually played UT2004, so I have no idea what goes on, but is making an RPG type thing viable with it? As in, is dialogue for npcs and questy stuff possible?

Posted on 2004-08-28 00:15:37


Yes and no. It's a first-person shooter built on the Unreal Engine.

The Unreal Engine is pretty much capable of everything and since it has it's very own (java / C++ hybrid) scripting language an RPG would be possible but annoyingly hard to code.

What I had in mind was a deathmatch level for UT, pure and simple. I do enjoy an interesting environment to shoot stuff in and UT can occasionally give you those. More often than not, however, level designers are content with making something that simply allows varied tactics with weapons rather than making something you can truly gawp at.

I like my environments to have a little life, you know? P7 is lively enough to spawn a fun little deathmatch level that would be a pleasant surprise to owners of UT2004 who have also played P7. And I like doing that sort of thing.

Posted on 2004-08-28 00:27:42


I love the way Interf. has to qualify every post with a 'I'm still working on p7... honest!' now - I inspire great phear. :D
Unfortunately, I will have completely forgotten how to code soon.

Quote:Originally posted by Alex
But bloody hell, if I knew every girl I'd ever seen in her underwear I'd have a very full address book indeed. :P

Dude, there is a large difference between 'seen' and 'posted photos of on the interweb'. Also, the actions of the inbreds in Norfolk/Suffolk have often amazed me... but mocking them is cruel.


Posted on 2004-08-28 00:45:29


Quote:Originally posted by Zip

Dude, there is a large difference between 'seen' and 'posted photos of on the interweb'. Also, the actions of the inbreds in Norfolk/Suffolk have often amazed me... but mocking them is cruel.

Insult the good people of Suffolk at your peril! Actually, the invention of the bicycle saved the whole of East Anglia from genetic-collapse-by-inbreeding a long time ago. Some of us don't even marry our cousins any more. But then, being from Norfolk yourself, you would know this. ;)

Posted on 2004-08-28 01:01:36 (last edited on 2004-08-28 13:02:29)


As long as there's a 3D discussion going, I too have done a great deal with 3dsmax through out highschool(I'm a senior now). The only work I have to post currently though is a somewhat large movie. I believe its between 4-9 megs. But if anyo0ne is interested:

Posted on 2004-08-28 04:37:42


Cronoodle: you mentioned Lightwave... I remember this being a very high-end rendering prog for the Amiga around the mid 90s... Is it still in development for PC now, or do you use an old version, or is it a different programme altogether? :\

That was good for a laugh. :D Assuming that was sarcasm. O.o

Anyway, have any of you tried SoftImage XSI? It has a few modeling tools that even Maya lacks, and has the same renderer (Mental Ray). It seems many, many movie/video game development studios are switching to it recently... it's interface seems more difficult to learn than maya's(at first), but some of the tools are indeed more powerful and more intuitive. If you are uncomfortable with coughafivefingerinternetdiscountcough, there is always a free trial version available on this website: http://www.softimage.com/Products/EXP/v3/

Posted on 2004-08-28 12:25:58


Quote:Originally posted by Blues Zodiakos

That was good for a laugh. :D Assuming that was sarcasm. O.o

It wasn't sarcasm, it was a question about 3D rendering programmes from someone who doesn't know about 3D rendering programmes. We're not that thin on the ground, are we? Anyway, I apologise for my obscene ignorance on the subject...

That last bit was sarcasm. ;)

Posted on 2004-08-28 13:00:33


Many people kind of think of Lightwave with a sneer... it HAS been around forever, and it's renderer is one of the worst available, (although Maya's Software Renderer comes in a close second, thank goodness for Mental Ray). It's old, it's cranky, it's bloatware. But it is cheap. Dollar-wise, that is.

Posted on 2004-08-28 20:15:11


is Lightwave scanline or a raytracer?

Btw, $1595 (as listed on the Lightwave website) isn't cheap. :-p

Posted on 2004-08-28 20:59:13 (last edited on 2004-08-28 21:02:10)


I have a friend called Mike who's a BIG fan of SoftImage. Personally, I hate the bloody thing. It's interface tries to be needlessly flashy when all you need is something simple to understand and the resolution you need to run at in order to SEE everything is OUTRAGEOUS. Have these people even HEARD of resolution independancy? And the file structure! It's all OVER the place!

Words fail me. Apart from those words, obviously.

Posted on 2004-08-29 01:36:45

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