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Hey, don't make fun of Paladin's Quest. It's a cool SNES RPG from Enix (the former makers of Dragon Quest/Warrior). It's certainly NOT a CD-I game. Although my friend had a cool CD-I game called Voyeur, where you had to solve a mystery by peeping into the windows of some presidential candidate's mansion.

Posted on 2004-07-20 21:02:50


Yes, yes.... Grandia or Lunar, excellent ideas. I was also thinking Suikoden. <3 Suikoden for sure.

If Enix made Paladin's Quest it must be decent. Maybe I'll grab the sound track. One thing that would be cool is to make a theme medly. Like, take the battle theme or main theme or town themes or something from a bunch of different games and put them together. Might be neat.

Posted on 2004-07-21 01:38:20

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