WHY OH WHY OH WHY!??!?!?!?
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Please don't flame me.

Posted on 2002-01-29 14:56:03


If anyone has the right to bitch at people for saying verge is too hard to use it's Zara, who's made the only actual complete game in verge. But perhaps that there's only one complete game helps seal your point. ^_^ ( I seriously doubt it though)

Btw, the idea that the batch file you made would produce "bigger, better verge games" is a steaming load of crap. The only thing that would raise verge's game output is more people and more talented ones at that. Or more likely proper motivation. You could give people a 3D rpg creation engine with a nice colorful gui, but if they couldn't figure out how to use verge as it is now with it's icky seperate tools, well don't expect much from them.

That's my daily rant, don't take offense, I don't take offense from you.


In general verge dev I only use :

1) A text editor (textpad)
2) VCC
3) Maped
4) verge.exe or winv2.exe
5) v2chr
etc graphic editors

Not very oppresive at all. I actually prefer that the verge tools aren't centralized, as it provides much more flexability with developing.


Posted on 2002-02-01 23:27:01

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