V3 Known Bugs and Issues
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Try adding a line to verge.cfg (just open it in notepad) that says "windowmode 0".

Otherwise, try switching your desktop resolution to either 16bpp or 32bpp. 24bpp is not supported.

Posted on 2004-04-25 17:49:37


Here's a strange one for you.

I enter "#define COLOUR_BLACK $000000" in my definition file. It returns -16. However, if I enter $000000 as a literal in the code, it comes out to 0 like it's supposed to. Every hex value I try to #define turns out this way -- $FFFFFF, which should be 16777215, comes out to 268435424. This is no huge deal since I can just #define the decimal values instead, but for the sake of readability it would be nice if it, um, worked.

Edit: I found something much weirder, though I'm not positive that I'm correct in its origins, and even if I'm right I can't offer any help in pinpointing it, which is why it gets tacked onto this post instead of put in a new one.

This is the insanest thing ever. Certain entities seem to be being spawned as not-obstructions where they were normally spawned as obstructions. I screwed with the code for a bit and found out that the problem only occurs when I have exactly this number of functions declared. Adding or removing one fixes everything, regardless of which one I add or remove. Adding or Adding or removing a #define, on the other hand, changes which entities are created as obstructions and which aren't. Adding or removing two #defines solves the problem.

Edit to the Edit: Actually, after adding a bunch more entityspawns to the map, it looks like adding more functions CAN cause the bug to crop up after a point. Exactly which entities have problems is definitely a function of the number of functions and defines, though.

Posted on 2004-04-28 08:34:40 (last edited on 2004-04-29 03:42:49)


FileReadln only reads 255 characters, instead of a whole line.

Posted on 2004-05-26 17:02:19 (last edited on 2004-06-04 22:32:02)


I found yet another bug with File I/O.

FileSeekLine() messes up if you have any string in the file that is longer than 255 characters. If the string is over 255 characters, it treats the part over the 255 characters as a new line...

Posted on 2004-05-27 17:47:21


I'm afraid that this isn't a very useful bug to report since I can't figure out what the hell the problem is, but...

I've got a struct. The struct contains a bunch of variables, one of which is a string. If I try to set the string, VERGE crashes with the generic useless Windows error. However, if I make the stuct's internal string part of a string array, everything works perfectly. I can't reproduce this error in a clean directory with nothing but the struct defined, and assigning values to lone strings seems to work for my other structs. Has anyone had anything like this happen?

Posted on 2004-06-04 04:34:58


Quote:Originally posted by Gayo

I'm afraid that this isn't a very useful bug to report since I can't figure out what the hell the problem is, but...

I've got a struct. The struct contains a bunch of variables, one of which is a string. If I try to set the string, VERGE crashes with the generic useless Windows error. However, if I make the stuct's internal string part of a string array, everything works perfectly. I can't reproduce this error in a clean directory with nothing but the struct defined, and assigning values to lone strings seems to work for my other structs. Has anyone had anything like this happen?



Posted on 2004-06-04 05:05:11


Weird. The struct in question isn't part of an array, so maybe it has something to do with that. However, I do have structs that are parts of arrays, so if this is the same problem, making the string part of an array is an alternate solution. But hooboy. That is weird.

Posted on 2004-06-04 14:29:33


Nevermind this, I figured out a way around it.

Posted on 2004-06-08 05:43:44 (last edited on 2004-06-08 06:22:27)

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