Diver Down - Stuck at cave-in.
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On the news page you've got the Babelfish of GamezWorld.de's review. The bit about 'leckere egg cakes' translates better to 'delicious pancakes' or 'delicious omelettes'. I'd guess that's a reference to one of the meals you eat, though I can't remember which off hand. Still an odd thing to put in the review, but at least it makes more sense now. I'll try to get you a full translation of that article later.


Posted on 2005-06-01 21:11:49


Got it straight of of the DD website, actually. Maybe he forgot to update that one. :)


Posted on 2005-06-01 21:13:27


Jeez really? that bug has been a real pain in my ass. Wish I had beta testers for that reason. But I did think it was fixed. Oh well - maybe I'll have a desire to fix that one day.

Arias, Slash is an autohit skill - that's one of the reasons it is so valuable. You must've been hitting but been doing no damage (did it say 0 dmg?). I assume you didn't have a weapon equipped. You shouldn't do any real fighting at all until you buy the knife in the Emil shop.

You escaped the same way you came in - by using the magic runes. Your enemies didn't know how to use that. I figured I'd skip the part of you having to backtrack.

Posted on 2005-06-01 21:55:20


Ah. If you ever have the drive, you might add a line at the end with Kraken saying 'Got it!'. I was wondering if maybe they snuck past somehow and sneaked out the Red Tower exit, wherever that leads to.

Yeah, I've run into some rare but wierd bugs. For instance, the failed map trigger bug. I walk onto a square that should exit the map, but I just keep walking past it and right off the map, which then loops around and shows me the top of the map (I think). Had this happen a couple of places, including the abandoned mine (floor 1, the exit back to the entry room, I think I ended up seeing one of the puzzle rooms from floor 2.).

Also, some of the chests and floor items in the mines make the game crash if you try to pick them up with full inventory and then don't clear space. That bug was annoying.

Right after Jea leaves for the first time, if you go talk to her parents they seem to think she's still with you.

I just figured out how I would have liked the king to die. You go into his room, a battle starts and looks to be a boss battle [maybe with the king suffering from SLEEP], but after the first hit (of any amount), he collapses and the cutscene takes over. That would have been funny. 'Ut oh, boss fight! Er... Hehe... That was easy.' A bit more satisfying, as well. There's very little more satisfying than using a single hit to defeat a major pain in the rear.

Oh, just how 'weak' does an enemy need to be before Energy Drain works on them, and what effect does it have?


Posted on 2005-06-02 16:39:25

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