maped3 bugs
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alright. here's the deal. ive degraded into nothing more than a laborer and an alcoholic. and a racer. which is probably the worst of all.

but im going to hold up my end up the bargain. the engine was developed with the understanding that i, tatsumi, was to make sure all the devtools were complete. in the last 5 months i have let everyone down, myself included. in order for me to make maped3 GOOD, and in order for other tools to be completed, i need, NEED, NEED, NEED! your help. I need to know every bug, and I need to know the premise for recreating it. I need to know what makes maped not perfect for you. I need to know what features are missing. I need to know what other tools need to be worked on, and what features they are missing.

I vow to work on maped atleast once a night. even more so I say that I'll even try working on maped before i allow myself to drink. which is saying a lot.

so damnit people, help me out. we're in this together. give me the info.

Whats been mentioned so far.

-- Bugs --
  • Tile import crashes frequently. Not Fixed

  • Animation editor has some modes flipped. Not Fixed

  • Dragging outside map boundries crashes. Not Fixed

  • UI is not low-res friendly. Not Fixed

  • Floodfill stack overflows sometimes. Not Fixed

  • -- Features --
  • Brush system. Pending

  • realtime tile transparency.Pending

  • Map control hotkeys (aszx, etc) Pending

  • Posted on 2004-08-16 21:47:49 (last edited on 2004-08-17 19:17:01)


    I count 50 posts. But on a less arsey note, I'm impressed by your willingness to try and make a change, and will continue to be impressed as maped3 improves.


    Posted on 2004-08-16 22:29:10


    Here are the bugs/requests/whatnot I have:

    • Tile Import fails often for me.

    • Dragging outside the map boundary by accident with any tile tool will freeze Maped3.

    • I cannot access the mini-map or render options near the bottom of Maped3, because I use a 800x600 resolution.

    • The old-school ASZX hotkeys of Maped1 and Maped2 would be awesome.

    • Why is there Edit VSP and Edit Tiles?

    Posted on 2004-08-16 23:29:17


    yes im aware of that other thread. its dated and not at all easy to pick info out of. this is why i have this thread.

    Posted on 2004-08-17 01:44:47


    Two animations -- I think it's the Random and Ping Pong ones -- are reversed in the animation editor. That is to say, selecting one sets it to the other.

    Posted on 2004-08-17 03:31:22


    This is a feature request, not a bug, but...

    I would really, really, *really*, appreciate the ability to grab a rectangular "stamp" of tiles from the tileset and paste it on the map. I'm making a ton of unique multi-tile objects and this would be a real timesaver. Since you already have copy-paste functionality, I'm hoping this wouldn't be too hard to add.

    Other than that, I'm glad to hear that we'll see some improved devtools in the hopefully-not-to-distance future! I'm looking forward to seeing them.

    Posted on 2004-08-17 03:42:34


    torin - there's a brush system coming. basically you'll use the clipboard viewer to save the buffer to a "brush" that will be attached to the vsp. you can then browse brushes and plot them.

    example. you draw a tree on your map. you copy it with the copy tool. you go to clipboard viewer and select Save To Brush or something, then enter a name, and voila. you can then go to the brushes tab and select the brush you want to paste. boink. paste it. piece-o-cake.

    That's a feature thats already somewhat implemented internally and just depserately needs an interface.

    Posted on 2004-08-17 10:38:41


    How many brushes will we be able to save? For those of us trying to fake 32x32 tiles, we could really use this ability.

    I have a couple to add:

    1. Tile transparency doesn't work in Maped yet.

    2. Each layer on the list of layers should also have the number of the layer that you use to reference it in VC.

    3. The renderstring listed directly above the list of layers needs to be fixed so that it starts counting from 0, not 1.

    Posted on 2004-08-17 16:16:21


    I must add this bug:

    • Flood-filling on large maps causes MapEd to crash, rather than fill the map.

    Posted on 2004-08-17 16:53:55


    As Overkill already stated, there is a weird bug with Tile Import. It usually happens when I try to import a second image after having already imported one previously. Strangely enough, importing tiles from the clipboard never crashed on me, even after doing it several times. So I have to resort to copying entire images to the clipboard each time I want to have a crash-free import...

    Posted on 2004-08-17 16:54:19


    you'll be limited to a very high number of brushes. probably 4 billion or something.

    Posted on 2004-08-17 19:08:58


    Import from Clipboard is the only importer that seems to work correctly on a regular basis. Others crash (sometimes) or have a tendancy to not import the entire image (can anyone confirm this?)

    I experience crashes when moving the mouse over the map area shortly after plotting or editing zones.

    As an aside, I don't know how much you've messed around with UnrealEd or anything like that, but each section of the toolbar can collapse so that only stuff you need at the time is showing. That would help out the low-res people immensely, as they could collapse the tools and layer selector or something and just have a tile swatch and a minimap, or vice versa, as needed

    Posted on 2004-08-17 21:37:59


    The tools will be collapsable. that is the exact plan.

    Posted on 2004-08-17 22:51:55



    Posted on 2004-08-17 23:07:01


    Okay, just found a new one.

    If you change the properties of an entity and normal save (Ctrl+S), it doesn't save the changes.

    I created a new entity and browsed for it's chr file. After saving it, and running my game I realised it was the wrong CHR file, so I went back to maped and browsed for the correct one. I saved it, went back into the game, and it still showed the one I had before. If I Save As it works, but when I regular save it doesn't.

    Posted on 2004-08-18 23:45:54


    Did we already post this one... tile editing yea it lets you edit tiles i remember that from Verge 2 yea, doesn't work in Verge 3 if you got a blank map.

    Posted on 2004-08-19 00:16:17


    I don't think the tile editing thing is a bug. It just hasn't been implemented yet ;)

    Posted on 2004-08-19 00:40:58


    I've had no trouble importing tiles from images. However, I always imported the entire tileset anew. Maybe importing and appending has other problems.

    Posted on 2004-08-19 18:54:01


    Guide layer:

    A layer in which you can import a bitmap that is not brought into the VSP nor rendered in the game as it's soul purpose is to guide you in the placement of tile and then be promptly deleted:)

    Posted on 2004-08-20 00:54:09


    One of the biggest annoyances is the padding thats used in an exported vsp image - when importing back the padding checkbox doesnt seem to have an effect.

    Posted on 2004-08-21 06:18:59

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