Thinking about making a pokemon game.
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Mwa ha ha ha, I have trapped you in my vortex of anti-thought! Fear me!
Actually, I really WAS thinking about making a pokemon game. The latest games have really pissed me off. There are a hundred different reasons, but the main one is that they are just too fricking easy/mindless/boring.
So, I thought maybe I could do something about it. Making a pokemon game would actually be a good option for me at the moment because of the need for minimal graphics creation, something that SERIOUSLY cripples most of my projects. I can make a good picture now and then, but they take so damn long that they become the focal point of my game projects, and I hate that.
I'd really like to hear from everyone about what they would like to see in a new pokemon game. I even want to hear from diehard haters who would never touch the game with a 10-foot pole. What features would you like? What features do you hate with a passion?
I was really thinking about having a completely different 'overworld' experience while leaving the battle system mostly intact except for a *MASSIVE* AI overhaul. Think something like *Morrowind* deep. I have always thought that the pokemon games lend themselves to something much greater, yet are hindered with that downright barbaric overworld engine.
Maybe something even a little "darker"...
Posted on 2004-09-01 00:21:30
I had this great idea for a Pokemon game, where you can summon your Pokemon and fight in real time during a battle.
Originally, it was an idea I thought up for the N64...each C button and trigger would use 1 of 6 pokemon.
You didn't have to summon a pokemon when you meet an enemy--you could just let opposing pokemon beat the crap out of your main character until you die.
Summoning a pokemon would enter battle mode, where a field surrounds your and the enemy pokemon. You can't leave the arena (which could be a hexagon shape). And you essentially fight in real-time, with your pokemon's abilities mapped to controller buttons (say, 4 moves, 4 C buttons). And you could pull up a trainer recall/item/utility menu with A and stuff.
I guess the battle mode is similar to Monster Rancher, but I've never played it so I don't know. My original thoughts were that it would run on a Zelda 64-ish engine, but the real-time battle fights within a set area could be done well in overhead too. It would require a lot of sprite CHRs and animation for each pokemon, though, so maybe this isn't the best idea.
Posted on 2004-09-01 00:29:35
I hate nothing about Pokemon games, at least not through Gold/Silver (haven't gotten to Crystal or even Ruby/Sapphire yet). However, I really liked a feature in the Pokemon Stadium games where you coudl make the game run at 2x speed. It really sucked fighting OVER AND OVER without that after I had it, because it does kind of get boring if you can't advance quickly without tons of fighting. Gold and Silver made it more difficult to gain levels early because every pokemon was at a low level until you get past Azlea (sp?). So I would suggest either a speed up feature or a better balance aimed towards more quickly leveling up.
Posted on 2004-09-01 10:02:09
One of the ideas I had in mind was to not force the player to fight thousands of slow random battles to level up, because I agree, that was monotonous. Random battles are for catching pokemon. I'm currently entertaining the idea of completely getting rid of exp from 'trainer' and random battles, and implementing new training centers, which you can access with your hard earned money, and will give you massive experience points.
I figured this might be the way to go, because many times the 'battle towers' had weird, arbitrary restrictions on pokemon levels, and by the time you were able to access them, half of your team was unable to compete because their level's were to high. It would be nice and convienient if you were basically able to control the growth of your pokemon by spending money to train them instead of having them level up at the most inopportune of times.
I plan to completely revamp the NPC trainers, making them rechallengable, and with several different pokemon in their stock (usually), so finding someone to fight that is comparable to your team's average level should be a piece of cake. The money you earn can either go to training your team, or maybe perhaps to some other goal that I haven't thought of yet (maybe building up some sort of base to serve as the catalyst for a story, or something else).
The battle system will probably be a piece of cake to recreate - I have all the graphics sitting on my harddrive now. The overworld might take a little more time to do, since I might be recreating the graphics from scratch, but that still shouldn't be too difficult. I have an interesting plan for the overworld. I wonder just how big a single verge map can be and still run at a respectable speed? :D
Posted on 2004-09-01 10:33:43 (last edited on 2004-09-01 10:35:00)
I always liked the idea of having a pokemon-type game where everything you "caught" was a downloaded program of some subtype. This was, of course, just a shallow excuse to get Windows to fight Linux to fight VERGE 2.
Posted on 2004-09-01 11:28:20
ahh, good times.
Posted on 2004-09-01 13:18:08
My experiements with maped3:
A map 10000x10000 with 3 layers worked fine, although using a fill on the entire map caused it to crash every time (outofmemory error). 15000x15000 map crashed on creation with outofmemory error. 10000x10000 with 4 layers crashed (I should have known that, duh).
A 10000x10000 map takes approximately a little less than 3 minutes to walk from one side to the other at normal (100) entity walkspeed.
My computer has 512MB ram, and a 768 page file at the moment.
Posted on 2004-09-01 14:13:17
McGrue, maybe you'd like the Shin Megami Tensei/Digital Devil Story games. In terms of downloadable monsters. Or, if you're joking, you'd probably like it anyway.
How about a decent storyline and characters? Enough of this "be the best trainer" stuff. Go get a creative writing booklet and churn out something either epic or very character-focused. Like trying to revenge the death of your best friend or something equally more important than just fighting battle after battle. Fight those stupid battles for a reason.
Posted on 2004-09-01 16:05:00
Quote: Originally posted by Omni
How about a decent storyline and characters? Enough of this "be the best trainer" stuff.
Quote: Originally posted by Omni
Go get a creative writing booklet and churn out something either epic or very character-focused. Like trying to revenge the death of your best friend or something equally more important than just fighting battle after battle. Fight those stupid battles for a reason.
WAIT A SECOND! A 'creative writing booklet' to 'churn out something' like 'revenge the death of your best friend'? WHAT LITERARY PLANTET ARE YOU ON?
[shout mode off. back to faq and stop procrastinating]
Posted on 2004-09-01 16:12:00
Go go Hero Rancher!
Posted on 2004-09-01 16:30:28
Er...what, you think I've read a creative writing booklet? I haven't gotten the earthliest clue what you do for better writing. Besides a lot of outside the box thinking and a bit of improvisation.
Posted on 2004-09-01 17:33:51
I'm kinda thinking about making it choose 'yer own story a la Morrowind. A non-linear main story(s), sidequests, etc.
One of the main things I've always wondered about pokemon is... why in the hell does team rocket/magma/aqua just let you waltz through their base after beating them in little pathetic pokemon battles? Why don't they just shoot you, stab you, and leave your broken body in the streets? The obvious answer is that your pokemon can be used for personal defense too, but the games never really touched on that at all (darn kid, you've just beaten me, the master of the mafia, in a pokebattle! I'll never do anything bad again!). I never watched the anime, so I don't know if it covered that.
Posted on 2004-09-01 18:23:28
Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue
I always liked the idea of having a pokemon-type game where everything you "caught" was a downloaded program of some subtype.
Mega Man Battle Network? :P
Posted on 2004-09-01 19:13:53
The trouble with games lacking linear plot is that they tend to degenerate into dozens of retarded fetch quests.
Posted on 2004-09-01 21:51:22
Like Grandia!
Posted on 2004-09-01 22:42:05
I've actually been working a bit on the battle system, so I might have some screenies soon. I think I might also release like a small little demo quest at the same time to see if you guys like the direction I'm taking. It'll be interesting.
Posted on 2004-09-02 00:13:43
Just finished editing about 500 of the 828 pokemon sprites. I can't think of anything more tedious except for when I start inputting the base stats. :D But at least that won't require so many damn clicks.
Also, I'd like to have some opinions. Nobody has ever claimed that the pokemon games have ever been balanced in any way (some pokemon are just plain at a disadvantage to almost every other pokemon). However, do you think that the game would be improved if some of the weaker pokemon were changed in some way to bring them up to snuff? Perhaps by giving them a better move pool or changing their base stats? I'm hesitant to radically change the base stats of the pokemon, but some pokemon (Likitongue, Tropius, Togechick) are just pretty much useless without some major changes. Why does it matter? Because it's rotten when you can only use about 25% of all the (evolved) pokemon in the game if you ever hope to have a decent team. I'm not really in favor of 'nerfing' any pokemon, but there might be some way to help some of the weaker, underused pokemon somehow.
Posted on 2004-09-03 00:03:07
I so totally was going to do one for verge 3, but then I got lazy and decided to screw it. I want to see one more similar to the gameboy game with Arle (Or what’s her name. The girl form Puyo Puyo). That game was really interesting. You fought in three on three battles which included the trainers, and you monsters were more like magical familiars more then raised pets. But I also continue to believe that the best monster raising game is in fact not a monster rising game at all. The game? SaGa Frontier. There are just so many moves and stuff to get, and building up is damn fun. I dislike the unstable transformations, but monster rising in that game is still the bomb. I would have liked to make a monster rising game with similar features to those two games, and maybe with additional things like needing to summon monsters and manage mana like a trading card game or something.
Posted on 2004-09-03 07:14:07 (last edited on 2004-09-03 07:15:29)
When are we gonna see a DEMO!!!?!?!? heh. I'm anticipating this with great.... anticipation.... or something.
Posted on 2004-09-07 07:52:02
Posted on 2004-09-07 11:05:02 (last edited on 2004-09-07 11:05:18)