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Well, in that case feel free to note that pisses me off enormously. A fortnight of work disqualified over a trivial technicality is the VERGE equivalent of being told that you can't join the Police force because you're an inch under regulation height.

And there are at least four distinct areas, although some use the same tileset:

* The Bridge (shares tileset with the crew deck. Not finished: I'd planned to have rows of monitors and readout panels but never got round to finishing it)
* Anabelle's Room (dedicated tileset)
* Corridor (shares VSP with lift and bar)
* Crew deck (same as the bridge, although tiles here are distinct enough that you'd know the difference)

Posted on 2004-07-22 23:46:13 (last edited on 2004-07-22 23:49:42)


AM or ICQ now I recommend...


Posted on 2004-07-22 23:59:59


me = php/mysql coder? :o

Example of work;

Edit: Forget to add that if you want a search function, I'll need a database dump. (Stucture is fine) To figure out what is being searched, and how to write the query correctly.

Posted on 2004-07-27 19:20:11 (last edited on 2004-07-27 19:23:03)

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