Battle System HoV contest
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You really think I'm a geeneiouse? That means a lot coming from you, I really appreciate it. ^_-

Posted on 2004-06-08 00:00:59


If you recall I've called you a geneyus at least twice before, and I probably spelled it right too!

Posted on 2004-06-08 00:04:51


I can't remember any other times when you have called me a gienyuz. Was it blatant post building, like this?

Posted on 2004-06-08 00:06:35


Yeah, probably.

OMG! 500 posts! You are a post-building god!

Posted on 2004-06-08 00:12:04 (last edited on 2004-06-08 00:13:28)


-500 posts-

Wow... I just posted this and then when I looked at it you had edited to say I had 500 posts... GET OUT OF MY HEAD.

Posted on 2004-06-08 00:13:37 (last edited on 2004-06-08 00:14:34)


I just noticed you had 499. It doesn't take a jeanyurse to work out what number comes next. ;)

Posted on 2004-06-08 00:38:00


I suppose that's true. A genus such as yourself would have no problems with it.

Posted on 2004-06-08 00:40:39

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