Crazy stuff, man. (site updates)
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'Extra VC' is my middle name.
Posted on 2006-03-16 17:34:29
Quote:Originally posted by Overkill
The problem is that some of these changes need verge to restart. Hence an external application. Even something like changing nosound would need a restart to take effect, unless you WANT to script extra VC. :D
It wouldn't take too much work to be able to allow verge to restart itself from within verge. Maybe a VergeC function like Recycle_Engine or something. That would solve the problem. However, a lot of commercial games require a restart in order to change configuration options too.
Posted on 2006-03-16 20:03:18
Quote:Originally posted by Kildorf
I'm not really sure that we need a GUI editor for verge.cfg, really... umm... were kinda loosing the whole point now... I only tried scripting a GUI for verge.cfg in VC then wrap it on a VPK since Mac Verge can read the format... the whole point is to make a platform-independent verge game tool not using other languages like Java. I used VC to test and demonstrate the platform-independent capability since Linux version of Verge is in development... so I was saying it's almost doable... am I clear now? =D
Posted on 2006-03-17 00:14:02
Quote:Originally posted by creek23
Quote:Originally posted by Kildorf
I'm not really sure that we need a GUI editor for verge.cfg, really... umm... were kinda loosing the whole point now... I only tried scripting a GUI for verge.cfg in VC then wrap it on a VPK since Mac Verge can read the format... the whole point is to make a platform-independent verge game tool not using other languages like Java. I used VC to test and demonstrate the platform-independent capability since Linux version of Verge is in development... so I was saying it's almost doable... am I clear now? =D Ahhh... okay, I see now. Good enough then! :D
Posted on 2006-03-17 06:39:47
as for the setting of verge.cfg within the game, maybe it's possible if verge will have an external app execution. the resetting of the game will be:
execute the exe/bin (verge)
exit the current runing engine
(another stupid suggestion from me) =P
Posted on 2006-03-17 23:52:13