HoV feedback requested!
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Quote:Originally posted by resident

Might I suggest adding my next question to the FAQ?

What are the rules for an HOV contest?

The first rule of HoV is that you don't talk about HoV.


...actually, I post the rules to the official HoVs at the time of their start. The reason why I started doing 'official vrpg.com hovs' was my general dissastisfaction with the rules of some previous contests, etc.

Also, I figured all good contests need prizes. Haven't decided on the prize for this one yet.

Posted on 2004-05-21 05:42:34


Your reference was clever, Kildorf. I was just jealous that I didn't think of it first.

I agree with Grue, in that official HoVs are much better than third-party HoVs. Its like Nintendo. They have kick ass first party games, but their third party support sucks. Well, except for the part with games... ....

I think if we are allowed to use the battle system WE made earlier, thats fine. Just not someone else's battle system. But I can't code (good), so what do I know?

Posted on 2004-05-21 14:21:55


Quote:Originally posted by Troupe

Your reference was clever, Kildorf. I was just jealous that I didn't think of it first.

I'd be careful if I were you, Troupe. Enough encouragement and I might start making obscure literary references that I try to pass off as clever jokes (or puzzles) more often.

Also, I forgot to mention earlier; I liked the judging system used in the first compo a great deal. Having the explicit breakdown of where each judge was coming from, and written explanations, was a huge help and a joy to read. ^_^

Posted on 2004-05-21 14:35:46


Oh my, I've already had about all the puns I can handle in this thread. No more!

That judging system was the rawks, too. In fact, I really liked that system. And the results were exactly what I would have given. So yeah, good system.

Posted on 2004-05-21 14:48:05


Doh! This'll teach me for not reading the main page!

I'm all for an HoV, more used to v3 than I was last time round, and might actually have some time. Not to mention the fact I have a head start with a battle system - still lots to do on it though...


Posted on 2004-05-23 21:09:03


My only suggestion for HoV is to wait till the next build.

I know its late, but I'm working on it RIGHT NOW. I've also been very busy. Also, I blame zeromus.

Posted on 2004-05-25 02:31:33


everytime there's another build released, its like a very short christmas ^_^

Posted on 2004-05-25 03:29:40


I might be able to enter this time, especially if the timing's right (Right around Jun. 8 would be perfect). My opinions:

Double Contest: That is an excellent idea, and might get me motivated to code one hell of a BS for the first contest (yes, I'm up to the task, I just don't get good and motivated very often).

Judging: I liked the free-form, explanation-required judging scheme - MUCH better than TomT64's fixed system (I remember those compos - not all of the games fit into the system).

RPGs only: That's cool, since VERGE is aimed more at RPGs than anything else. I'd be careful doing this too often, tho. I've seen too many good non-RPGs to not want to see more of them.


Posted on 2004-05-25 05:39:02


I might enter, since this friday I just so happen to be going back down to virginia (where I have full-time computer access), but I might not as well, since I probably will spend the time in VA with my buddies, and not sitting in front of a computer screen for hours.

Posted on 2004-05-25 20:53:26


No, please reed don't enter. I don't want to be crushed like I was by your entry in the last compo! BALLS OF STEEL!!!

Posted on 2004-05-25 21:38:21


reeds testicles have an inate fortitude worthy of that title.

Posted on 2004-05-25 23:22:34


Testicles... Rawr!

Posted on 2004-05-26 06:44:16


[reed] should make a sequel to Balls of Steel. Call it Testicles of Gold.

Posted on 2004-05-26 08:10:56


Testicles of Titanium works better. It has that nice alliterative quality that gold lacks.

Posted on 2004-05-26 10:41:24


Also, Titanium is strong, whilst gold, while pretty and expensive, is soft.

Posted on 2004-05-26 22:23:27


Not in video games, though. Gold Swords are usually better than Steel Swords!

Posted on 2004-05-27 03:01:40


Video Games are dumb sometimes.

I specifically saved up a ton of gold in FF4 to buy a Silver sword in Silveria this one time, so I could use it in Cave Magnes... because Silver isn't magnetic, you see.


...either Silver in Final Fantasy is magnetic, or those bicthes in Silveria gave me a 'silver sword' made of Nickel.

Posted on 2004-05-27 03:15:17


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

Video Games are dumb sometimes.

I specifically saved up a ton of gold in FF4 to buy a Silver sword in Silveria this one time, so I could use it in Cave Magnes... because Silver isn't magnetic, you see.


...either Silver in Final Fantasy is magnetic, or those bicthes in Silveria gave me a 'silver sword' made of Nickel.

If I had a nickel for every time I fell for that trick, I could melt them down and forge my own "silver" sword.

Posted on 2004-05-27 06:11:19

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