New official VERGE build (finally) released!
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Quote:Originally posted by vecna

RenderMap() - yes, it will fill as much of the image as possible, with the upper-left corner of the image being the coordinates specified at xwin, ywin. So you can render more or less of the map than is otherwise on the screen. You could very well blit the entire map to an image.

Sweet. I suspect this will reduce my "Map" spell (which I want to be useable on any map) to less than 10% of the lines it would take to make otherwise.

Clipboard functions: Yes, these functions are referring to the windows clipboard. They may have limited utility, but I can think of a few things they're useful for. Personally I use it side by side with photoshop to do certain effects, and I also wanted to make a program in VERGE to assist me in tile-ripping from like emu screenshots and stuff.

For one thing it will let you take a screenshot without having to use updatecontrols()


Posted on 2004-08-03 17:25:04 (last edited on 2004-08-03 20:51:36)


Hey Tech - the rstring info was one of the few things already in the docs... I guess people are used the docs being useles...

1) Second falth and zaril.
2) Fix known issues (and any I've forgotten).
3) RenderScaleMap(int x, int y, int w, int h, int image) (Or something else minimappy)

Zip :D

Posted on 2004-08-03 17:41:22


Quote:Originally posted by Zip

3) RenderScaleMap(int x, int y, int w, int h, int image) (Or something else minimappy)

Isn't that sort of unnecessary since you can always use RenderMap to a first image, and then use scaleblit with that image?

Posted on 2004-08-03 20:53:11


If you WANT to render the whole of a 100x100 tile map, then deal with the 1600x1600 24bit colour bitmap you get from it, be my guest. ;)


Posted on 2004-08-03 21:13:51


Thats more or less what the function would have to do internally anyway.

On another note, I should make an interpolating shrinker function or something. Yeaaaahh that'd be fun.

Posted on 2004-08-03 22:14:42


My sarcasm-o-meter is completely blown by that.

Er... I was thinking of some kinda interpolation, yeah - take only a few pixels per tile.


Posted on 2004-08-03 23:30:04


Quote:Originally posted by Zip

Troupe - I was gonna make a similar comment, but I thought after having half the stuff I asked for implimented, it would be rather unfair. The song however, rox. :)


Actually, that's a real song for a real game called Cabedge. :o

Posted on 2004-08-05 04:49:00


Having just returned from my camping trip to find a new VERGE build, I am now utterly ecstatic. Vecna, you RULE. So much STUFF to PLAY WITH! Yeeeeeessss!!

Posted on 2004-08-05 23:11:50


So, does this mean P7 will be finished soon? ;)

Posted on 2004-08-05 23:13:59


I just wanted to post that there is much love for vec in the Kildorf household now that the line number reporting for errors is actually accurate.

Your rule, man!

Posted on 2004-08-10 03:10:37


I don't know if you will see this but when readQuad is off the end of the file it doesn't return 0 (like it should)

Posted on 2004-08-28 02:11:33

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