New v3 beta (04.04.04 build) + Sully Packin!!!
Yeah thats currently on my todo list. I'm not sure whether sidebar scrollbars are a good idea, or if something smarter can be contrived.
Posted on 2004-04-05 21:28:04
Only just logged on to find exactly what I've been waiting a fortnight for.
The v3 dev team has launched into my "Much Love" list right above my parents, the family dog and Cameron Diaz.
The last time I was this excited my age was in single figures. I'm off now to go bug hunting and game-making. I've got some tile art that's just pleading for a map to call home.
Thank you, I seriously cannot thank you enough. This is supreme brilliance of the highest order.
Posted on 2004-04-05 23:34:37
Interference! Stretch your joyful wings by entering a piece in the current HoV contest!
Posted on 2004-04-06 00:05:56
vecna, please please please make there be some way of either resizing tiles or making it so that you can copy an image from teh clipboard into the map it self or something.
the problem is my v3 game is in 1024x768 and the maps will be just a big image probably.
the way the maped is working right now, I'd have to individually place 6912 tiles manualy for a somehwhat small map.
Posted on 2004-04-06 00:11:04
Ok, two bugs in the engine found in the first few minutes:
"automax" in the CFG seems to be being ignored now. Argh! I set the option to 0 and the window still maximises. I'll have to invastigate more but it seems busted.
Also, the sound bug illustrated here is still in this build of the engine and probably needs addressing.
I'll throw more your way if and when I find 'em.
Posted on 2004-04-06 00:18:37
Interference! Stretch your joyful wings by entering a piece in the current HoV contest!
Damn right I'm entering that contest. I've got a whole Easter break ahead of me and this week is free-er than Nelson Mandella. Count me in, although I'm not entirely sure yet what I'm going to make. I'll go think on it.
Posted on 2004-04-06 00:21:54
MapEd crashes with a Divide By Zero if you set the number of layers to 0. Either it shouldn't let you set it to zero or it should cope with it if you do.
Posted on 2004-04-06 03:22:27
Wrong thread for bugs. And if you could, be a little less lame about your bug reports.
Posted on 2004-04-06 04:07:36
can't spell praetor without the "e", "a" and "r".
Posted on 2004-04-06 04:16:30 (last edited on 2004-04-06 04:22:18)
Holy mother! Praetor! Theres a name I've not seen in ages...
Posted on 2004-04-06 14:23:04
As Grue mentioned, we're working on first restoring the Sully Chronicles to its V1 glory, but in V3 form, then adding some V3-only spiffness to it, so once I finish updating all of the map VCs, some of the event wonkiness should go away.
Posted on 2004-04-06 16:49:23
Wrong thread for bugs. And if you could, be a little less lame about your bug reports.
Woops, sorry. That's me not looking again and randomly hammering my keyboard when its far too late at night to be submitting bug reports.
Posted on 2004-04-06 20:34:21
it's never too late to submit bugs
Posted on 2004-04-06 21:20:56
Hahn, this is a different version than the brand-new V3 version right? That's in seprate (and slower) development?
Posted on 2004-04-07 00:01:57
Hahn had basically no involvement in the zip that was uploaded. I ported the original maps and did all the scripting thats in here. Grue has been simultaneously working on the menus/bs/systems, and Hahn has been working on the full set of maps and events. So yeah.
Posted on 2004-04-07 02:11:00
Ditto. Mark me up as another Windows 98 crash on the map transition, nothing in the log.
Posted on 2004-04-07 04:36:21
It's beautiful. We're talking boobies beautiful. You guys seriously rock!
Posted on 2004-04-07 09:34:11
OS: Windows XP
-The program took awhile to load. (5-7 seconds - should show a loadup screen?)
-I can't resize the window, it won't let me.
-The sound is a bit laggy, not sure why.
-The title for verge says "Verge3 (Not Responding)"
-I can't find a resize in the config file.
I like the newer documentation, it makes sense, or maybe that's because the last time I tried to look at vergec was like... when I was 13? <3
(And I'm posting the "bugs" I found here because I can't find any bug post/link.. oO)
Posted on 2004-04-07 10:21:07 (last edited on 2004-04-07 10:25:34)
The delay at startup is when the VC code is being compiled.
If a game were distributed as "releasemode", the compiler is not run at runtime and it would start instantly. Same with the "not responding", that should only happen while its compiling. Yeah, I could probably make that a bit more obvious whats going on, but its not really a bug, its a fairly minor issue.
You can resize it, except that the mouse disappears when it enters the window rectangle, meaning you sort of have to guess when your mouse is over the edges. also, if its starting out maximized, you have to unmaximize it like any other windows app before you can resize it.
Posted on 2004-04-07 13:52:53
And you did a good job with the port Vec (excellent dialouge =D), but am I just totally confused, or are you going to update the v1 version of Sully to v3, with the same art etc., and then make a totally new v3 version of Sully with new everything and total v3 awesomeness? I wish I could remember the exact names, but between Sully Chronicles Complete, Sully 3, Sully 1, and all that other crap I get really confused.
Posted on 2004-04-07 14:20:41