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Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

You ask an admin nicely!
is this message addresed to me?

Posted on 2006-04-10 21:34:20


Quote:Originally posted by creek23

Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

You ask an admin nicely!
is this message addresed to me?

No, I should've quoted int22.

But see... I'm lazy!

Posted on 2006-04-11 00:41:29


i thought it was addressed to me... anyways, was my VC Editor project meant to be deleted?

Posted on 2006-04-11 01:33:39


Hrm. While the server now is configured in a way that doesn't get auto-flagged as spam (our new IP was on blacklists, and exim had some bad values inside. whee!) some of the vrpg-particular scripts are still not working when I test them.

Any of youse guys want to reverify independantly? See if you get emails when attempting to register a new account or recovering a password or changing an email?

Posted on 2006-04-11 09:41:20


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

Quote:Originally posted by creek23

Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

You ask an admin nicely!
is this message addresed to me?

No, I should've quoted int22.

But see... I'm lazy!

Hm. I see.

McGrue, would you be so kind as to invoke your superior wisdom and remove the invalid image entries and associated thumbnails from my uploaded images list? I would be eternally greatful.

(Is that ok?)

Posted on 2006-04-11 17:21:05

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